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Ah, there you are! Just got back from my 2.3 miler, I passed the same bloke who was RUNNING the other way (story of my life!) three times. That means that he must be running very quick or I must be very slow. Mmmmmm, I wonder which one it is?

Cuppa, you are cute. You are gonna be a babe when you are skinny!
Hi Deb, welcome to the November gang! :D Pull up a chair!
Gillabean, get you and your 2.3 miles! You'll soon have the men running towards you if you keep that up, don't you worry! And as for me being a babe in my future life, I choked on my coffee when I read that!!!! Hmmm perhaps in a whole other life but thanks for the compliment anyway!! :D :eek: :hug99: Is that you and your son in your pic? I got even braver btw and made an album!! Yep really! Well three photos, that's almost an album isn't it?! ;):D

Cuppacocoa xx
A man at last, let joy be unconfined!

So far then ...........

Gillabean 12th at St. Richards in Chichester
Fashionably Late on 27th at Alex
Pinkylin no confirmed date at Murrayfield
Cuppacocoa on either 7th or 14th at Spire
Fat Again no confirmed date at WLSG
Poppy on 20th at Oxford
JT 3rd at Charing CrossMargaret
MC 10th at Charing Cross
Oooh, how exciting.
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Sorry, should have said. Nov 3rd at Charing Cross, Hammersmith. Just as long as I am told my tick-tock is up to it on Thursday.
Is anyone else anxious and wish that November was tomorrow? Now that I have made the decision for the surgery, I want to have it now. I have never been patient.
hi fl yes i wish i was getin my op tomoz its doin my head in waiting for it lol plus the longer i wait the more nervous i get.x
Impatient is my middle name! I can't wait to have the op now, the waiting is making me really nervous..... everyone at work was planning our office christmas meal today, I will only be two weeks post op so won't go, but it brought it home to me that its pretty close now.

I am off to New York friday (girls only, no men or kids:D) then will start on the pre op when I get back to try and lose as much as I can before the bypass

Best wishes to everyone
Hi Jt, looks like you are the only bloke so far but don't worry, we don't bite! Not hard anyway! ;):D

FL I just wish they would make their mind up on a date for me, I asked the surgeon 3 weeks ago to confirm a date (all being well with the pre op assessment obviously) as hubby and I both need to book time off well in advance. The surgeon had to see when his co-surgeon, theatres, team etc were free but as yet I've heard nowt! I'll give them until lunchtime then I'm going to have another whinge I think! :rolleyes:

Don't feel nervous at all at the mo, I will do nearer the time though. Deb, New york sounds fab, especially with the girlies! Very jealous! :D

Cuppacocoa xx
I know what you mean, I am ready now and there's still 5 weeks and 2 days to go, that's 37 days!

New York? NEW YORK! I'm building up energy enough to go to Marks and Sparks this morning!