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O noooo im finding im weighing myself eevry day


New Member
damm it... this is a terrible habit of mine really is but because im so fixated on losing weight im weighing myself EVERY day and after the loo :eek: or in between... is anyone else like this?... think im gonna have to fixate myself to a once a week weighing day!
i chucked my scales out so this could not be done i weigh on a friday in boots the chemist. This has been brill for me x
I get on every day too. Its a bad habit but one I can't seem to break x
Like Tracey I flung my scales out. My mood for the day seemed to depend what the scales said when I weighed myself on a morning!! It got to the point where I was weighing myself at least 6 times per day (I work full time too)!! Ha, ha...

I think I will get a pair again after my surgery. One of those high tech ones that tell u boit body fat etc.
i get on mine each morning, 3 times when im feelign extra heavy lol :D really should get rid of them tho
I'm sure my scales have a magnetic attraction to me... ! :D
Fortunately though, since I've gone back to work I usually find I'm too busy to weigh myself in the morning - and the scales are in the other bathroom anyway, out of sight out of mind !
I weigh myself a lot but only take notice of Monday morning weights!
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I hated the habit of getting on the scales everyday before my op depending on what the said would decide how my day went.

I now I get OH to hide them and just get them out once a week, he is enjoying being a control freak:eek: and I must say I am more than happy not to have them around.
Oh yes! I weigh myself in the morning and last thing at night. I jump on and off at least 4 or 5 times too at these times! It is so sad to be so obsessed however I am hoping to break the habit when we go away on holiday in August. On the other hand at least I am not obsessed with food anymore - so maybe I have swapped one addiction for another! Wow now I sound really sad!
Throw them away Kelly. It will end up, as someone says, on you relying on them for your mood for the day! Once a week weigh in is all that's needed....

You'll find yourself a lot happier without them. I too do Boots weigh in around once a week or a couple of days over that and live happily through the rest of the week. Although i feel the pull of Boots sometimes i resist. I am hoping to be able to ignore the scales more in future, maybe fortnightly....
Scales were sent from Satan me thinks :D
I weigh myself every morning which is ok just as long as you don't get to down when the scales stop moving
I agree with Linda, daily weighing is fine, but not if you are going to let it affect your mood. I weigh myself several times a day.

In fact, not weighing myself has been my downfall on all the diets I have been on during my lifetime. Its like if I dont weigh myself I dont register that my clothes are getting tighter or that im eating too much. So I will always continue to weigh every day so that if they start to go up, I can pull things in before I regain too much.