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ok how often do u banded pb or slime, i seem to b getting it quite alot of sliming, even with the simplest of things, getting me down a bit :( x
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not much normally at all, but post fill its def more often, prob 3/4 times a week for first 2/3 weeks....but then j know why, it's my fault as I push the boundaries.
Big bites, solids too soon, need to clear plate...all the common reasons...I need a stern talking to!
Google it...great reading lol x
Haha :D
Hi guys

You only normally get pbing/slimey etc if your eating too fast, taking in too much at once, too much air taken down with your food or your not giving it enough time between mouthfuls . Its all trial and error really, look at your eating habits and try and figure out where you could be going wrong xxx
Jo important seem to b doing it during first 2 weeks, it getting me down cause i know it my fault i had jkt pot yat and took huge mouthfuls all swollen today now n not ate much, so important just feeling sorry for myself :-( also was just wondering if other people r still doing it or if it was just me being greedy x
I think now we are pretty optimised we just need a fine tune of our heads...small bites, slower etc...all so hard!!! Xx
If I do eat too quickly or food my band doesnt want me to it gets stuck. Happens very rarely as I eat really, really slowly - always did but used to eat loads really slowly!

I have been sick since my band but through illness only x
be careful matey, slow slow slow, (mind you I do find the formation of the food interesting if it comes back! Neatly packed in like a slime bag) ...gross lol xx
Yeast Like a bag of water lol iv latent how to bring it up easier too so when i do get it it up n gone lol x
I never had actually food coming i had hick UPS twice and extra saliva because couldn't swallow it. Is it the same for you???
Oh I've learnt that if it's stuck how to tip my head down and pop out the sack of food that's piled up...not to advocate it but it sorts my problem should it arise!! X
JO28172 said:
Oh I've learnt that if it's stuck how to tip my head down and pop out the sack of food that's piled up...not to advocate it but it sorts my problem should it arise!! X

I wish I could just do that. I have to put my fingers to the back of my throat to make my little parcel come back up! Xx
Sophie 124 said:
I wish I could just do that. I have to put my fingers to the back of my throat to make my little parcel come back up! Xx

Oh.no soph, that's nasty! I'm v lucky in which case then x
(anyone reading this thread must think yuk) lol