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pre- op blues, should i be feeling like this?


Hi, i have been an avid reader of all your threads and have been taking everything on board.

I went to the Hosp yesterday for my pre-op ready for my op on monday and i keep thinking to myself "what on earth am i doing to myself". I hate hospitals, hate anaesthetics and cant stand pain - is it worth it??? oh and i keep crying lots. so basically unlike all of you who seem to be embracing the journey - i am sh***ing myself and driving my poor husband round the bend.

I know it'll be worth it but i'm scared......

is this usual?
Totally normal! It's not just the physical side that is daunting but the change to your life ..it's uncharted territory and we all need to feel sure of what will happen to us.
You are allowing very skilled people the chance to help you live longer and happier...they want you to succeed and they will take very very good care of you and your body!
Nerves are gonna be a part of it and you may throw a wobbly or two...but then when you are all done, you may well find yourself wondering why you got so worried about it.
Take it easy and look forward to being the best you imaginable. Lots of love x

its totally normal..as we are all going into the unknown.
I was really scared,I couldnt sleep for nights.
What I did was to get my hubby to take a photo of me in underwear so I could see how fat I really was,as I always avoided mirrors!
And I tell you when i sat at looked at my horrible photo,I just knew I had to do it for my health.
I had the operation monday,and I can HONESTLY say,I feel very positive today,the pain is ok,Im walking,and Im actually looking forward to my NEW LIFE.
Keep coming on this site,it will help you a great deal,I would have been lost without this!!

keep intouch xx
Hun it is going to be so worth it and we all feel very similar just b4 our op, the min i gave my son and uncle a kiss goodbye in that split second i changed my mind and said "am not having this op take me home" but 5 mins later i saw sense and was on my way down to theatre.
Think about all the fab things weight loss is going to bring for u and just keep that in ur mind and good luck for Monday we will be keeping ur seat warm for u on the losers bench xx
Thanks for aking me sound so "normal". My friend reckons cos its the time of month and i havent eaten for 5 days i am going through an emotional detox!!

thanks again
Hi Tracy,

I am thinking of you and so pleased that you have posted this thread.

It's true to say that the majority of us question and wonder if we are doing the right thing...

It was a big day for me yesterday where I was expecting a decision... when I got it, I felt to tired and drained to appreciate it, plus reservations flooded into my mind... but I have slept on it and I'm delighted to be on the waiting list... the waiting time is helpful for my mind preparations and getting used to smaller portions, drinking without eating etc... and it's helpful.

The decision is individual, this forum is a great help, in my opinion, I cannot afford to refuse this surgery since my health is at great risk...

Tracy, do a search list of positives and negatives and it helps to work your way through these feelings.

Please send me a message if I can help and can I just say that you have found a wealth of support and experience by finding this forum, it has helped me no end in my decision making and in learning so much about the effects of the surgery and ways to overcome relating issues.

Love and hugs, Bev xxx
It is totally normal to be crapping yourself, you are having an operation and anyone would be worried.

Most people say how positive I am, well 2 days before the op I nearly backed out due to a number of things....... so please dont feel guilty about being worried.

We are all here to support and help you. Just post anytime you need help and I am sure someone will be around.

Good luck and I am sending you some of my positivity via cyber space.

Tracey I was SO positive and excited right up until 2 days pre-op....then the nerves kicked in and I thought, "what on earth am I doing? Why can't I do this by my own will power, what if I die?, etc , etc, etc!"

Even the night before the op, lying in hospital I honestly contemplated changing my mind and going home. And some people do, a person due for her op the same day as me changed his/her mind, that's how I came to be first on the list.

6 weeks post-op, I can truthfully and quite passionately say that other than getting married, having my kids and becoming a Christian (the major milestones in my life) this is the very BEST thing I've ever done for myself. I absolutely LOVE it!
I've found a freedom I've never known, the chains to food which ruled my life are broken; never to return, and every day someone comments oh how great look, not just physically due to the weight loss, but how very HAPPY I look! And that is the truth! I am so very HAPPY!

Now the decision is yours, it has to be that way. But if I have or can do anything to help you think things through, I'm delighted to help.

One thing I did in the last few days pre-op, was to make a list of all the things I hate about being fat, and all the things I hope for from WLS. I also found writing my on-line diary tremendously therapeutic....especially when other folk read it and commented with their thoughts.

Sending love
Charis xxx
Thats a lovely post Charis, Im having some pre-op nerves myself and your post certainly helps :D I just have to think positive and look at how people like you seem to positively glow since surgery......Thanks hun X
Thats a lovely post Charis, Im having some pre-op nerves myself and your post certainly helps :D I just have to think positive and look at how people like you seem to positively glow since surgery......Thanks hun X
Bless you Jacqui. Any support you need, I'm your girl! You've been so generous and basically fantastic to me since I joined, and to everyone else too. Humoungus hugs darling. xxx
thanks all for your comments and I WILL write a list of all positives. I thought it was me just "backing out" - it has to be said i said to my hubby last night i think i will postpone/cancel it. I honestly think its the waking up bit in hospital i cant stand the thought of .....

But i have a lovely holiday already booked for Cuba next year and just cant wait to be able to move about and be slimmer :)
Tracy I too hate hospitals (LOL I worked in them for 20 years too!) and I didn't have an easy time....5 days I would rather not think about again in all honesty......BUT I still would go through it all again for the feeling I have now!

Don't back out love, you would SO regret it!