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Salford Meeting

Hi there,

Sorry I dont know no just being a bit nosey and noticed you were from the same place as me. Im actually from Shaw. Have you had your band yet? I had mine a few weeks ago and all going well as yet.

Hope someone comes and answers your question, just wanted to say hi to a fellow Oldhamer. :)
Ah thatniks for that Leesh. No not had op yet but i am having Bypass or Sleeve they wont do banding. Come round to the idea now as I really did want the band. So glad you have had yours and hope your doing well. I will keep an eye out for your weightloss posts. xx
Hi there - Im not 100% but I think its chair exercises with a fitness type person showing people gentle post op and pre op exercises to aid recovery and weight loss after....
Im not 100% but I think it is?


Sally xx