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Sheer Greed

Yes go for it now! The old you would have put it off until after you hol...but that girls gone now! Ww got me moving after a 4 week stall so it's worked fine for me perfectly! Weekly weigh in helps too!! :)

proves we are human ladies, but you're right however bad we've been it's prob nothing compared to pre op...(apart from that homemade trifle)! Yum :D

I'm considering a detox for a couple of days...cereal for breakfast then maybe milky coffees all day...might lighten me up a little...feeling lethargic after a heavy weekend of parties..NOT GOOD! No one to blame but myself!
LMAO @ dinks x
Well after all the crap I have put in my mouth I managed to lose the 4lb I put on the week before when I had been good. Just can't work this bypass out.
Maybe the body enjoyed this ONE OFF relaxation. Gave it a bit of a shock...sometimes a good thing. Well done on the four pounds. Mega. Just now ease off on the guilt and enjoy getting your focus back xxx
Anyone who read my food diary would wonder how I could lose weight looking at my one or two "shock days" a week. But I never have guilt about it. All about achieving balance. So pleased you feel back on track again :) have a great week this week
flutterby1966 said:
Anyone who read my food diary would wonder how I could lose weight looking at my one or two "shock days" a week. But I never have guilt about it. All about achieving balance. So pleased you feel back on track again :) have a great week this week

Thankyou x