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Slight discomfort around my port


Loves her gorgeous family
It started yesterday and its not pain just uncomfy its where i think my port is and i cant bare my jeans waistband on it or anything else and i still cant sleep on my belly
i am hoping that i have not cause any problems but it is pretty sore.
does anyone know what it might be ? it is 3 weeks old.
Hi there...

Where they have stitched the port onto your abdominal wall takes a while to heal. Also as you lose weight, the change of shape can cause little shifts that feel a bit uncomfortable.

I could not sleep on my belly for the first six weeks. It will get better.

Wear looser clothes for a bit, the harshness of denim is probably compounding the issue.

Good luck with your journey xx
if i had my waist band on my port scar id look like simon cowell all my scars are in a row just below my breast bone i look like i have been perforated...... itching like hell now.... that'll be the shaved chest then...
Why on earth they place ports in that area i do not know, the rubbing can cause infection while healing wear slack tracky bottoms till fully healed then you can go back to regular jeans trousers ect, port area hurts the longest as its stitched in and the body needs to get used to this foriegn object just under the skin, this is normal please dont worry x