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sunderland appointment june 2012 help please


New Member
hi had my appointment to see mr balapuri last monday 21st nov.He was really pleased with my weight loss.Ive lost 2st 4lbs.He then asked me if i wanted to go ahead with the operation,i said yes please.He then said i would get an endoscopy sometime in january then my operation would be sometime in may.This morning ive recieved an appointment for june 2012 to see mr balapuri in the outpatients.That seemed a long way off so i phoned and they just said it would be a follow up appointment.Has anybody else had a follow up appointment like this.:confused:
Probably just another example of hospitals doing everything backwards lol
Hi Vonnie,

I had my op a week ago, and i haven't had a letter for follow up as yet. seems very organised if they are sending letter now before the op. I would definitely challenge this again.

There was a 4/6 month waiting list in sep for an endo so I would imagine this list has since grown. Perhaps this is what the letter is for. Hope you don't have to wait that long x
Did you get any further forward? x
Newcy and MrsSafc
Hi sorry for the late response.I finally phoned and said i recieved the outpatient appt in nov last year,but was wondering why i had recieved it when i wasn't even on the list.I had my endoscopy 3 weeks after meeting mr balapuri which was 21st december.It never crossed me mind to mention it to him,as i was a bag of nerves that day and it all went so quickly.Mr balapuri said i was on the list that day.Anyway on the phone she said its definately a follow up appt,and says it sounds like the surgery is going to be done before that date.I won't hold me breath though we all know how disappointing it can be sometimes,but heres hoping.:)
At least you have a better idea now! I had my endo the day after you so fingers crossed we'll be getting op dates in the next few months.... X