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Surgery transgressions


New Member
I know it sounds really daft to be worried about this more than the actual procedure, but I have to say, I am having cold sweats at the thought of having to bare all in front of a theatre full of people.

I got the fright of my life when I went for, what I was told was, an anaesthetic assessment. After meeting with the nurse she sprung on me that I had to have an ECG. I was absolutely mortified that I had to completely strip my top half and lie on a bed exposed whilst she heaved my gargantuan breasts out of the way enough to get the wires in place.

I've always been a bit concerned about how the surgeon will manage to position the port, but now I understand I will have to walk to theatre, with no bra on, swinging about all over the place, knocking out everyone who comes within 5 feet, and giving them a horrific view of my mammoth backside when they manage to come to!

I have managed to avoid thinking about these things so far, but as it looms nearer, I'm obsessing about it more and more.

Can anyone cheer me up with some stories of their surgical indiscretions? - I hope to be able to laugh about this aspect of my experience in years to come.
I had an operation on my knee on December 22nd 2006. I had to get into a gown and walk into the theatre. As the nurse took my robe from me I was aware of a huge gap at the back of the gown and I said "Oooh I'm flashing my santa knickers!" and the younger of the sugeons said "Oh are you" and started to look interested til the anaesthetist told him to behave! It totally relaxed me though!

Seriously though, the people in the theatres deal with people of size all the time and just think, this will be the last time you will be that size!
BB i have got 2 for you The first one was when i had my gallbladder out in a private hospital when i was 24. Thay gave me a nice big disposable gown to put on. when i came round from surgery i realised they had cut the front of the gown and everyone who came to see me got a flash of my boobs as i showed them what they had done to my gown in theater whilst still under the influence of some rether good morphine.
The second one wasnt whilst in hospital but whilst answering the door to the post man for a recorded parcel. Unfortunatly for him i had just got out of the shower and had a bathe sheet wrapped round me thet just met at each end. As i went to sign the card for him i lost my grip on my towel and hey ho full body exposure. I shut the door a lot quicker than i opened it and he shoved the parcel through the letter box. the following day i spotted a new postman delivering and have never see thet one again. Think he may be off on long term sick. Post traumatic stress disorder.
Now out of the 2 both were embarrasing but at least in hospital they expect to see bits and pieces.
im 4ft 10 with a 42gg bust so know where you are coming from regarding the ecg but thats their job they do it day in day out. Just think of somewhere nice as you lay back and bare your bits and think in a few months time you may be on a beach doing it anyway.

I know its hard to do but dont worry about it. 1st remember they see large people everyday o fthe week and its their job to look after us in everyway. They dont even notice how big or small you are they see so much.

As for non staff you will be taken to the outter room of the operation room so no non staff there only 2 or 3 o fthe staff that will be looking after you.

Once your in the room they start to come in and you will be all covered up.

And to be honest when the time comes it will all go so quickly you wont even have time to think about what your showing and not.

But in the ward you can ask for 2 gowns one for the front and then wear the 2nd for the back . many people including myself have done that its fairly standard.

The same goes for the ecg its all over so fast you wont get time to worry . ive not shown my body for years but in the end it was handled so well i was happy at the end.

To be all honest if i knew how good i was going to feel after the operation i would have gladly walked about naked :p gosh the thought of it

anyway dont worry you will see

best of luck

My modesty was well protected :D I walked to theatre in my knickers (so long as they are cotton you can keep them on), a gown, dressing gown and slippers. Once inside I took off my dressing gown and slippers, and hopped on the table.

When I came too I was quite alarmed that I wasn't wearing knickers any more lol but I was catheterised so it was to be expected!

I'm sure the staff saw plenty of me but I was fast asleep lol so wasn't at all bothered!
I didn't feel it. I've had them before and you're more aware of the tube by your legs than anything else. It's good not having to go to the loo!

It doesn't hurt when it comes out (or when it goes in if you ever have one done awake) at all, they are completely painless and I've never had any problems with them.

I had it in until the morning after the op I think. It's on my blog when they took it out but my memories awful.
The surgeon and staff that are doing your op will have seen it all before, they will have operated on all shapes and sizes, would do what shell said and wear your dressing gown down to theatre, although the gown they supplied me was more than ample. Just think on the way down to theatre this is the last time you will ever feel or look like this, positive thoughts hun!!! xx
BB - Just remember your going in for weight lose surgery, they are not expecting you to be a size 10 are they, the gowns, pants and socks will all be your size, take your normal dressing gown in to and once your dressed in all the sexy green gear put your dressing gown over the entire lot, my wife said i looked like a sumo wrestler :) which made me smile, when i got into the anasthetic suit they untied the back of the gown exposing my back, to be honest i couldn't have cared less at that point really as i was so nervous, a minute of two later i was out of it and it was all over.

I was wheeled to theatre on my bed - no walking for me!! Although they undid my gown and asked me to take my arms out of it so that they could put the bp cuff on and so on, they made sure I was decent in the anaesthetic room and to be honest the staff there were so good we were having a laugh anyway and I forgot all about my modesty!
It wasn't until afterwards when I woke up with my arms back in my gown and it all neatly tied at the back that I realised how exposed I had been, but by then I couldn't have cared less!! All will be fine I promise xx
Thanks everyone for all the chuckles. I suppose it's a necessary evil, and it could be worse - in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter, so I'll wrap up as well as I can, and hope to be out of it before I get a chance to be too embarrassed.
Hi firstly i agree with what everyone else has said they have seen it all before! didn't have a catheter in for the bypass but did with my c section. it was quick and painless. My biggest giggle was when thay handed me a pair of disposable knickers size 10!!!!! i desperately tried to squeeze myself into them but they wouldn't even pass my knees. they eventually brough a tent size pair which were perfect. I walked into theatre so they didn't have to carry me is suppose so my backside with the very attractive knickers were on show to the world. The theatre staff were great had a laugh with me not at or about me. you will be fine x
Where are you having your surgery?

I had my GB at St Richards with Shaw Somers and they have special gowns that fit absolutely anyone... Shaw had operated on patients who weighed above 40 stone and they didn't expose themselves once... neither did I ;)

Actually, it was a lovely warm gown... which is handy in Theatres, as it's a wee bit cold!!! :D

Once in Theatre, there was only one Nurse in there while I got onto the table with my back exposed. The ODPs then came in and got me settled onto the table and covered me with a warm blanket.

The Anaethetist then came in and chatted to me whist putting in the arterial line and two venflons.

I was chatting so much I didn't even notice Shaw come in... not until he came round to my side and chatted to me... in fact, that's the last thing I remember :D

At the end of the day, they are professionals and maintaining the dignity of the patient is a huge role of the Theatre Nurse/ODP, so you will be well cared for :)

Also, from my Theatre placement during my training I can tell you that Theatre staff usually have a wicked sense of humour (along with A&E staff!), so you'll probably be too busy chatting and smirking to worry about your bottom showing... ;)

All the best for the big day...

I know what you mean Olsbols, I was terrified when they said I had to actually walk into the theatre as I thought I would be put under in a nice prep room, I didn't really want to see the theatre but they were all so nice and as it was 2 days before christmas we were talking about what our plans were and having a laugh and chatting til I went to sleep. It was a strangely pleasant experience
It is, isn't it?!!

I would love to go back and do it all again... :D

(As Debs would say, as long as it's Mr B doing the anaesthetic ;) LOL!!!!)