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This means 4 weeks to my op!


New Member
The LRD has officialy started and... well... nothing very exciting yet :p

I have, completely unwittingly, been following most of the diet for a few weeks now, cutting out a lot of carbs as I try to avoid wheat and I don't really like potatoes *lol* The biggest thing for me is measuring everything and having a small evening meal - that's always been my downfall, as cooking for one never really works! That, and cutting out the alcohol... :(

But I will do it - becuase I have loads of role models and support on here to help me along :D
When I started going through all my hospital tests almost 18 months ago, I thought that once I got my op date it would be all easy going from then on.

How wrong I was - I've not even started the real work yet! But not long to go. It's my birthday in two months, so I'm hoping to look stunning for that ;-)
Thank you! Feels like a really big day today *lol*

Even dyed my hair last night in preparation for the "new me". It's ra eally lovely medium-auburn colour. Had lots of nice compliments at work so feeling pretty good ;-)
Hi, good luck with your diet, you will be fine. Just keep going over the reason in your head why you are doing it and you will keep motivated. I have never felt less like cheating when I keep thinking of a cancelled op or broken liver!!

Your hair sounds lovely, enjoy being the new you:)