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This sounds really bad


New Member
This sounds really bad had to post to get it off my chest.... I have just eaten cheesecake for breakfast ... Wls friendly but feel as guilty as hell..... 12g protein mind u but u could hear it calling and I had to munch on it xxx
Do you think you would have eaten something else if there was no cheesecake or would you have gone without?

In all honesty and after a lot of thinking i think its ok so long as you dont make a habit of it....
I hope I don't offend you, but the thought of that scares the *$£& out of me. It's the kind of thing I did routinely in the past and I am so worried about going there again. This is just a personal reflection. Hope you're ok with it. Draw a line under the cheesecake and move on. :)
It was home made to a bypass recipe, I don't norm eat breakfast or lunch only eat in the evening so well out of my comfort zone..... Think the stress if going in for a tummy tuck on weds is getting to me a tad .... X
I think it's great that you've been able to recognise where the trigger came from and sometimes we just do go into denial and overeat. We're none of us perfect. It's never a great idea to have cheesecake for breakfast if you're someone who has food issues. But it's a one off and you just need to get back on track.
Btw I had a mars bar for breakfast (i'm pre-op). I knew I shouldn't do it but I chose not to think about why until I'd eaten it. I know it's because my pre-op diet starts on thursday and I'm having a lot of last meals.
It was home made to a bypass recipe, I don't norm eat breakfast or lunch only eat in the evening so well out of my comfort zone..... Think the stress if going in for a tummy tuck on weds is getting to me a tad .... X

How do you cope not eating anything until the evening?
I was thinking that Karlos

Do you usually have a shake or something in the day?

I think confessing it has been good for you. And you Yorkiegal. It helps to focus on the why's, and move on :)
Tinkerbellx said:
It was home made to a bypass recipe, I don't norm eat breakfast or lunch only eat in the evening so well out of my comfort zone..... Think the stress if going in for a tummy tuck on weds is getting to me a tad .... X

Why don't you eat during the day? Your metabolism is probably on the floor by the time you eat in the evening. Just eating a piece of fruit would get it going and won't add many calories. I'd be in a hypoglycaemic state if I didn't eat during the day. Do you have enough energy to function? Really interested in how it affects you.
I drink my liquids during the day and eat in the evening.... I'm two and a half years out now and don't ever feel hungry apart from head hunger at times.... I live on my own so I must admit I don't tend to bother much... I do get my protein in most days well about 50g - 60g... I eat a lot of turkey n ham xxx
I don't have shakes ... Just no added sugar squash.... Been trying to cook more just lately n try different recipes .... Ummm as for energy I get up at 4am every morning go to bed about ten in the eve. I stuck to the no drinking whilst eating rule.
Well tink it's worked for you so keep going hun...like others have said don't worry about the cheesecake, i get the feeling you are quite strong willed judging by your unique diet so i wouldn't worry x
I drink my liquids during the day and eat in the evening.... I'm two and a half years out now and don't ever feel hungry apart from head hunger at times.... I live on my own so I must admit I don't tend to bother much... I do get my protein in most days well about 50g - 60g... I eat a lot of turkey n ham xxx

No you don't to be honest, your body simply cannot absorb 50 - 60g in one sitting, in fact it is believed that we can only absorb around 30g tops from any one sitting.

Again if you only eat once a day its not head hunger it's real hunger surely :confused:

If you really are eating just once a day then your metabolism will be at rock bottom and you are putting your future maintenance at risk. Its your choice good luck to you, but this is so far removed from all dietary and medical advice I've ever heard or read anywhere :eek::eek::eek:

That's why I'm trying to sort myself out ..... It's a habit I have got into from wen I first had surgery i was so frightened to eat as I was being sick a lot ... Had to go back in again for more surgery and gall bladder removal ... They then damaged my liver and niced the bile duct was very sick after that. I agree with you I never said it was right in any way. I've had a wake up call and want to get on the track again... Rome was not built in a day and habits are not broken in a day either. I take one day at a time ....
Perhaps some counselling would be a good idea hon.
Good luck with it TB. I reckon you could do with talking this over with your GP, it sounds like the sort of thing that they could help you with.
This is the danger of skipping meals - your body craves food and you end up eating something with no nutritional value. I Spent years doing vlc diets and completely screwing my metabolism up and getting to 18 stone before I learnt that if your body is gently stoked throughout the day you never get so hungry that you eat badly. Small meals and plenty of exercise works for me now. Shame I had to go through surgery to learn that lesson hope you manage to sort things out and that you recognise it's not good for your body long term - as with most things, getting there is the easy part.but staying there is the challenge
If it's high in protein then what's wrong? Think of it as occasional treat...everyone has that, otherwise you would go mad. Just try not to buy it regularly x