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New Member
hi all hope you are well? i hope someone can help me?

I am 10 weeks post op Gastric Bypass, i have extreme tierdness had bloods done they were normal, take my tablets etc still feel permently tierd any advice what to do please thanks x :(
Im new to the bypass thing (3 weeks post op). But i've heard that its due to there being less fuel in you so its easier to feel tired. That as your burning fat rather than carbs its harder work for your body and so you feel tired.

Could be wrong actually. Someone will come and correct me :)

ive heard that more protein and water help, hope you feel better soon :) x
I'm 12 weeks post op and havent had any real tiredness for a few weeks now. I would say up your protein and fluids. Hope your feeling better soon x
hi all hope you are well? i hope someone can help me?

I am 10 weeks post op Gastric Bypass, i have extreme tierdness had bloods done they were normal, take my tablets etc still feel permently tierd any advice what to do please thanks x :(

Hi Tumbelina
I am 8 weeks post op (bypass) and was terribly tired all the time. However, since the end of last week I have suddenly developed energy and feel considerably less tired than I did. Hopefully it'll happen to you soon, as we all take different amounts of time to feel 100%
