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Transferring to private hospital


New Member
Due to the lack of beds here my surgeon has asked if I mind being transferred to a private hospital he operates at. I said I don't as I know the stress receiving that call saying your op has been cancelled.

So I will be moved in a few hours to a private room
How posh are you !!! Private room in a private hospital !

How lovely of you to be thinking of the next person to need your bed xxx
Me tooooo :) iv got my date for April 16th and it at a private hospital xx
go for it Debbie...its probably the hospital in harpenden..(the spire)very nice...

at least you will have your own room to er..release the gas..lol xx
I had my op at the Nuffield on the NHS cos I'd waited too long.

Because I had a duodenal switch I had to have my bowels cleared with 2 bottles of this foul Fleet stuff - and it certainly was Fleet!!!!!

It was lovely having a bathroom to myself so I could run to the loo and when required - and be able to phone home whenever as well!!

No snoring - only mine!! - what I wanted on the TV - bliss!!

Shame I only got consommee and youghurt to eat though!!

Hope all went well

I am here and yes it is the spire Lisa and it's lovely the staff here are fantastic, and I haven't managed to release any gas yet! I wish it would start to escape as it us a little uncomfortable at times!

Angela I know how that phone call felt yesterday when I thought they were cancelling my op I was mortified so for me to recover in luxury was the least I can do, mr whitelaw operates here too and he came to see me when I arrived and has let me drink tea too ok it's without the milk but at the l&d it was water only lol
I got a room in the private wing of the hospital I had my op - complete with ensuite bathroom and a balcony. It was good :D
Enjoy it to the max, and happy healing :)
I know what you mean about the food I have seen the menu and yum! But also a coffee to buy is only 40p and a sandwich 60p so they don't rip off visitors either like the nhs
And I bet you get upgraded at the airport too - some people are sooooo Jammy !!
'Enjoy' every minute of it, and all the best for the op.
Glad you're doing ok and hope you have a speedy recovery - mind you in that luxury you may want to stay lol But without any pain or complication of course! x
Thanks the pain isn't too bad I am a little uncomfortable but not in agony or anything nasty, the nurses here were surprised I have had my op they say I look to well lol so hopefully that's a good footing for me to tolerate lots if things more quickly
How are you feeling this morning. Good and pampered I hope!