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Really want weetabix !! I'm
Almost 2 weeks post op think I'll be ok with loads of milk ??? If I mush it up
Hi, not sure which op you had, but I was reading my post op eating sheet (I am having bypass on 6th May) and it has weetabix on for 2nd to 4th week, as long as it's fairly sloppy.
I had sleeve I'm meant to be on liquids for 4 weeks ?
so then you're supposed to be on liquids for 4 weeks. No matter how you cut it, weetabix is not a liquid.
When they say sloppy on my food sheet, and looking at the other foods they suggest for my 2-4week period, I would imagine that it basically means EXTREMELY liquid, so that it pours off a spoon.
As much as I could kill for some foods, its not worth it...... I think just stick with what the provider says. It is for such a short space of time you dont want to undo all the work that has been done and have complications.

When I feel like this I just go and do something to take my mind off it otherwise I sit and obsess, not good. Ride the storm and the time for weetabix will soon come round hun xx
I didn't have it, thanks sweetie, it does seem that different hospitals have very different ideas about food post op, strange but true! I'll keep on with my liquids x
My surgeon put me on Weetabix for breakfast while I was still in hospital he was radical though and having been on a pre-op milk diet for a week he put me straight in purée from the start and quickly moved to solids I was surprised but it was fine so I've been allowed weetabix from the start puréed up to sloppy consistency and it was fine.
I'm seeing my surgeon on Monday for a check up, I'll ask him about the weetabix and other soft foods and see what he thinks, I certainly wouldnt want to find myself with a leak!!

I'll be back. X
think it varies so much from region to region. in north tees i was encouraged to move on very quickly and didnt really do a proper pureed or liquid anything much post op. but then the pre op varies hugely too. i had to do a high protein, low carb liver reduction which was very manageable for me and tho i didnt lose much weight on it my liver was apparently 'beautiful' :) i dont think i wouldve coped well with a milk diet pre op as im dairy intolerant.
Hi dandelions

Same as me by the sounds of it, I had the liver shrink diet for a week only, and itwas low carb as you say, I did slip up and have one Jaffa cake which I am not advocating, it was my mistake but luckily my surgery went without any problems. If I had great will power I don't suppose I would be where I am now x
Can't wait to see him tomorrow to ask if I can love onto slop! I'm not getting enough cals that's for definite!

Did any of you have stitches removed of were they dissolveBle ? X
Really want weetabix !! I'm
Almost 2 weeks post op think I'll be ok with loads of milk ??? If I mush it up

Hi Adrienne, you can but Weetabix on the go....it's a liquid version. I have bought the chocolate variety in readiness for my post op liquid diet. M x
Is there not lots of sugar in this?

I go off the carb content. It has similar amount of carbs as normal weetabix, 26g. I have to count carbs daily being diabetic and these seem ok for me, especially for a liquid diet. I wouldn't drink them any other time. Rather have the foody weetabix. M x
How much of the carbs are sugars? Are the sleeve post op guidelines different to bypass? I thought it was no more than 5g of fat/sugar per 100g.
How much of the carbs are sugars? Are the sleeve post op guidelines different to bypass? I thought it was no more than 5g of fat/sugar per 100g.
I'm bypass so my rules are different, for me it's trial and error one day I'm fine with something next day it's a no, don't bulk but anything just in case :) x
I'm bypass so my rules are different, for me it's trial and error one day I'm fine with something next day it's a no, don't bulk but anything just in case :) x

I'm a bypasser too. There is no way on earth I'd drink one of those. But as you say we're all different :)