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Stockings.Please advise


New Member
I know we all different providers with different views, but I was told to keep my surgical stockings on for 6 weeks!!!As I'm going back to work tomorrow is this really necessary?
What's your views folks
that seems a long time? maybe you should double check with your provider, but I thought once you were up, about and active then the dvt risk went dramatically down? x
I was told the same - the NICE guidelines. I wore them every night for about four weeks, or when I was sitting down for long periods (ie not much circulation going on). x
Was thinking of wearing them all the time at home,but not for work, don't want my legs to start swelling if I'm walking round too much?
I was told as soon as I'm up and about moving around then I can stop wearing them.
I know we all different providers with different views, but I was told to keep my surgical stockings on for 6 weeks!!!As I'm going back to work tomorrow is this really necessary?
What's your views folks

Yep I have 6weeks of stockings and a month of heparin jabs to look forward too... Oh joys lol xx
If your advised to wear them for 6 weeks, wear them for six weeks. I sympathise with you but they prescribe them for a reason.
Mine stayed on for less than a day. I was up and moving around within an hour or so of getting back to my room and wasn't going to put them back on after having a shower the following morning. The nurses never said anything so that was the last I had to do with them.

I had to wear mine for 2 weeks and 14 days of 2 clexane injections which are leaving mahoosive bruises all over my belly xxx
I wore them for 2 weeks. That's what I was told to do and I was NHS.
I was told 7 days, and came home with 7 days of clexane injections. 6 weeks seems a long time, I would query it (though I tend to follow instructions to the letter so if they confirmed it I'd continue to wear them!).
If your advised to wear them for 6 weeks, wear them for six weeks. I sympathise with you but they prescribe them for a reason.

This is the right advice - you must follow your providers guidelines. Ours was 10 days
I only had to wear them in hospital and had injections at home for a week I was told once your normally mobile then you didn't need them
Wow, I'm amazed at the differences there are depending upon your provider.

As I said previously my stockings were only on for about a day.

It's the injections that surprise me more though, I only had 2, one on the day of the op in the evening and one the following day. That was it. Whilst I didn't mind them, they didn't hurt or anything, I do feel sorry for those of you who have to self inject for weeks - respect.

Working for the NHS, everyone has to be risk assessed so the time of wearing stockings and injections varies depending on your BMI, age health etc. speak to your provider of you need advice.
Wow so confusing, I was 16.10 op day, age 49, bmi 38, I have ten days of injections and the dreaded Norah battys for another 5 weeks :)
I also had an injection only each of the three nights I was in hospital. They stung like hell! Didn't have to continue at home after discharge. Thank goodness. Yes, thoughts are with those who are having to. X
Sorry going off on a tangent here but do you wear the stockings all the time including sleepy time?
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