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any bad exsperences with gastric bypass


New Member
hello every one--just a thought every one says how good it been and so on,but i want to see if any bad or not so looky people because surely not all 100%--:cry:
I do know of a couple of people who have had problems post op but it was related to the drugs they were given rather than the surgery itself. Honestly, the feedback from this surgery is totally positive and on here if someone had had a bad time, they would have said so. Hope that reassures you!
Hi Chris

I think most peoples experiences of bypass surgery are slightly different, some have minor problems and other like me just sail through with no real problems or issues, things do change post op and you learn to live with things, the long and short though is that the positives seem to outweigh the negatives all the time.
That was just what I wanted to know pre op.

I'm happy. Did my weekly weigh in and I've now lost exactly 5 stone. I've had ups and downs, mainly coming to terms with the fact that it really is a tool not an easy option and you do have to work at it and I'm still learning ~loads!!

My life is so different now, I can't begin to tell you, and in so many tiny subtle ways too. If I don't lose another ounce I wont regret having this op. Ha I wont be happy I've still got a long way to go, but have every confidence that I will suceed......
.... which is just one of the ways in which my life has changed

Good luck
Chris I have had a bit of a rocky time and would be lying if I said it has been easy for me, but I'm not sorry I did it at all.

Everybodies experiences as others have said are different, but most do seem to positive, even those that do have post operative complication mostly seem to be glad they went through with it.
I have been very very fortunate as my journey, so far, has been just great!

I've been blessed with a gift to use to me and my friends and familys' advantage!
Chris we really do only have a few members who have had seriously bad experiences. You will find that on the average most people do well with the bypass and will speak positively about their experience. It is also my personal experience that even when talking to people who have had a hard time (Bonita for one, another is Brett30, a dear lady in my local support group), they still are happy that they have had the surgery. The important bit is to know the risks, research like mad and read people's personal stories. That is where you can pick-up lots of personal tips, hints and encouragement that will help you to be both physically and mentally prepared and thus far more successful and happy with your choice.

Best of luck to you,
Chris you will always have some people who have differing degrees of complications no matter what surgery they have that is the way things are.
However all you can do like nic says is read as much as you can look at the available videos on the net and tv talk to people who have had the surgery, see if there is a support group attached to the hospital you are having your surgery and research about every aspect of your chosen surgery..............................then make an informed choice.
Only you know what it right for you, and if you think the possible complications balance/ outweigh
what you think the surgery will do for you, and how it may change your life if you lose a large amount of weight then you will know if it is right for you or not.
Good luck with you decision and your journey

Jay xx
This is a good question as I was terribly optimistic about after the op, all of my worries were about the operation itself.

I had complications, nothing too serious and 5 days back in hospital sorted them right out and I have been pretty much fine since.

However, I think even the 'normal' post bypass niggles can be difficult to cope with too. There are definitely times I wish I hadn't had it, or that I had a band, but I know in the long term this is the right thing.

I'm a bander so can't comment on bypass complications. There are many here who will be able to answer any queries you have.Good luck on your journeyxx
Goodness I'd be getting fed up and having doubts too. What are their reasons for the cancellations?

Can you not write to your PCT, the Chief Exectutive at the hospital, PALS and your bariatric team/surgeon and complain? I certainly would, this being messed about like this and not knowing can't be doing you any good.