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Back from consultation @ Dolan Park


New Member
Hi everyone,

Just got back, all is good for op on Monday- so excited.

Place is very lovely and I made sure I drank £7000 of their nescafe coffee ;) MUWAHAHAHAHA

Met Mr.Sigurdsson and cant believe how big his hands are!

Hope everyone is well, roll on blinkin monday woop woop

That's true he does have big hands. I'd forgotten that. They're really clean though so that's reassuring!:D

He's very nice isn't he. Glad you feel good about it.:)
excellent news emma, monday will come around very fast
:clap::clap::clap::clap::banana dancer::banana dancer::woohoo::banana dancer::banana dancer::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Woohoo Em that is good news - and then on Mon/Tues you will officially become a member of the losers bench

LOL!!! Em, You did the right thing love. I am i'll do it too and best of luck for the op. Keep calm and be brave.....