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Banders who started +300lbs or over 50 BMI?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

one of the things that I've noticed is that there doesn't seem to be many people who have had a band fitted who have started at over 300lbs or with a BMI over 50.

I am both. And am having my band fitted on Aug 23rd. When I saw my patient care co-ord she did say that with the weight/BMI that often bypass etc is the chosen option. I've not considered the other options but Dr Ashton also told me they arent the right options for me anyway.

I am however, interested to see if people on the band have started at over the 300lb mark and BMI +50 for your experiences, how you've found it and how it has worked for you.

Would certainly like to find someone (or even lots lol) of people who started their journeys in a place where I am currently. . . .

TIA, Kat x
Hi Kat - I was 308lbs but being tall my BMI was below 50. Happy to share info / experiences though if of any help. Tracey xxx
Hi Tracey, you've come to my rescue again lol :)

Did or have you found any "negative" approach from anyone in relation to being 300+ and having a band? When I saw the co-ord and when she talked about the bypass/sleeve, it made me wonder whether it meant the band maybe less effective and that are they just taking my money . . .as it was, Dr Ashton said its my only option, but it did make me think.

There's a lady on here and in a FB support group who lost over 12 stone with a band, I don't know what her original BMI or weight was, but to lose 12 stone it must have been pretty high
Em xxxx
Hi Kat - no negatives really. In fact I originally phoned,for a sleeve but at consultation Dr siurgudsson felt band would be better for me, and I'm pleased to have a tool to work with rather than irreversible procedure - purely personal choice. T xxx
Hi Top kat, I was well over the 300 pound mark, my heaviest was 380 at the turn of this year, when I went for my initial consultation on 31st March I was 368 and had to lose 22 pounds to get my BMI under 50 for the op, I could have had the op done with above 50 BMI but would have had to travel to a different location and pay I think an extra £2000 which was not an option for me. I struggled to get the weight down and had to postpone 2 earlier dates for surgery, however I got there in the end and BMI was 48.6 I think when I had op. I was worried about all sorts of things prior to the op, but happy to say all went well, and as yet I have no regrets. Last couple of days I have found the post op liquid difficult as I have been craving proper food, but have resisted and have lost 10 pounds since being banded last Monday 30th July. I never considered any other procedure purely as they are not reversible, not that I intend to reverse it, just my own way of thinking!! Hope all goes well and keep us informed on your progress, Liz xx
Thanks everyone :)

Liz ~ thank you for taking the time to reply with what you have, I was going to PM you but you have the option switched off lol so hope you dont mind my asking here . . .
I see that we will share the same surgeon ~ although I am not having mine done at Dolan Park.

You made a great start to your journey before you'd even had yours. And yes, I've had to pay extra for my surgery because of my BMI ~ it is due to having to be on a High Dependency unit afterwards with additional care apparently.

How did you find Mr Super? I have only at this point met my patient care co-ord and also Dr Ashton, but will see him I guess when I go in for surgery. I had my time today and Im not being admitted until 12pm lunchtime, so unsure what time that will mean I will be "evacuated" the next day lol

But 10lbs is a great great start and you must be so pleased :) I've been following a low fat/cal diet for the past week, and although it wasn't a suggested option I am heading onto the milk diet thursday for the 2 weeks before surgery, hoping to kick start things, but also to get into the frame of mind of liquid etc.
Hi top kat, sorry for delay in replying, but have returned to work. Mr Super is great, friendly and explains the whole procedure and the importance of following all the instructions THG give you. I first met him at consultation, then immediately before surgery, then again a few hours after surgery. He doesn't actually stay with you that long, but is informative and will answer any questions you may have. How are you doing with your diet at present? Liz xx
Thanks Liz,

I am going with HealthierWeight rather than THG, but having Mr Super with my op done at Spire, Birmingham, I initially saw Dr Ashton who done my "approval" for the band but I havent met Mr Super yet.

How are you getting on?

The diet is going ok, have switched over to the milk diet, specifically to take my choice about food away, and despite some stomach cramps earlier and a bit of an upset stomach its going well. I did a low cal/fat diet the first week and lost 5lb, but hoping this will help me get into it for the liquid stage :)

I'm just tucking into a Knorr Lamb stock cube and rather nice it is too, I can almost taste the roast lamb and potatoes LOL
Hi kat

I started my journey at 307lbs and a BMI of just under 50. I know its early days but I'm really happy with how things are going. I've lost 27lbs so far (includes pre-op diet) and BMI is going down. I know it is going to be a long haul though.

I did the lowcal/high protein pre-op diet and lost 15lbs and felt like I was eating much more than before!

Good luck
Hi Craig,

Thanks so much, I'm going through this without no-one supporting me irl, mostly cos people don't know about it and the only person who does, my Aunt, isn't around a lot to talk to. And it is so positive to hear people's experiences and from a similar position.

Am so glad to hear you're getting along well, and great job on your loss so far!

What sort of things were you eating on your low cal/high protein diet? What was a typical day for you?

I've just entered day 3 on the milkdiet, I found last night difficult, but that wasn't helped by making garlic bread for my son LOL

Thanks so much for replying, Kat x
hi guys,

I am booked for my band on the 26th of September. My bmi is 53 and am 313lbs, so was delighted to see this thread. I have a wee bit yet before I start my pre op diet and I feel like my head is doing summersaults and cartwheels, perhaps to olympic standard right now!

I had a bit of confusion last week as came away from my dietitian app thinking my pre op diet was in the book provided( i was a very full 45 minute app - lots of info) Turns out the diet was not there but had one provided for me with a few options from one of the site members.

I personally have not told anyone of my surgery only immediate family and am so glad to have this site and people going though the same thing, for support.

I will be interested to see how it goes for everyone!

HM x
Hi HM,

We are at a similar starting point, although Im about to go into day 5 of my pre-op milk diet, (i did a week low cal before this but I wanted/needed to take away the food choice) no-one knows of mine either, so it would be wonderful to "link up" with someone who is in a similar situation but similar times too.

Your op day is the day before my birthday :)

Kat x
I was going to send you a PM, but you have the option turned off lol but Im at that stage too, I do feel excited, but, I have considerable fears too . . . .

10 days today ARHGHG lol
For some reason I did not see any reply to this. I am a month away now and that sthe realisation starting to set in that its only 2 weeks till I start my pre-op diet!