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Can I and should I practice LSD?


New Member
So I've been told to do the milk diet two weeks pre op. Has anyone given it a trial run prior to surgery? I'm a bit tempted to so that I have an idea of what to expect emotionally so that I can put contingencies in place for any potential" danger" zones. Is this a good or bad idea?
I didn't do it before I needed to and tbh I'm not sure I'd of been able to do it if I knew I didn't have to do it, it wasn't easy but knowing it was do it or not have the op I jolly well stuck to it like glue :)
Crikey that's a no vote from me. It's pretty tough mentally especially a few days in, wait until the big day and then dig deep and be strong :)
I can't see any benefits to having a trial run. Chances are that knowing its not 'real' will mean that you are more likely to give up, and give you a false impression of the experience. The only pitfall is actually giving yourself permission to fail or cheat. Don't do that :).

My advice for success, and this goes for post op diet as well as pre op, PLAN ahead. Schedule your intake at regular intervals to avoid getting excessively hungry. You'll be fine.

I did one extra day (something I'm still rather proud of 2 years later, lol) so i could start on a Monday.

You can do it, just know that you have to do it. It's flipping hard, but its worth it.
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thanks guys, that's really helped, I'll steer clear I think on that case! And thank you for the advice re planning, I was a bit worried I was over planning, so feeling reassured now! x