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New Member
Hi all,
I'm fairly new here and if you've not seen any of my posts I'm awaiting my first appointment with a consultant after my GP referred me in December. I've been wondering about meal sizes, don't get me wrong, I'm not having second thoughts - I'm just interested in what people eat for meals throughout the day. Just interested in how this affects the weekly shop etc.:confused:
hi tracey, initially you will be on liquids then purree ect, but once fully healed then you will be on more normal food types, i pretty much just eat what the rest of the family eat just in smaller portions, i dont have bread as that tends to not suit banders but mostly i just eat the same as the others just on a smaller plate, purred foods is handy portioned off and frozen as its handy for that stage, i cant really say that i save much on shopping since my op, i think theres a section on here called band daily menues where people list what they have eaten each day.

liz x
I have completly changed what I eat and more so the amount - which is why I needed the band!

I used to eat mostly rice and pasta dishes and loads of it, I made the decision to give up rice, pasta and bread before I had the op. These foods are usually hard to tolerate with a band.

I now use a bowl for my meals which consist of mostly protein, then veg and maybe a small portion of carbs.

Normally I cannot finish what I serve so Im still learning with portion control. A good rule of thumb though is to use a tea plate and not pile it high!

Good luck
Hi I am 2 months post op on Thursday and as an idea today I have eaten 1 alpen light breakfast bar, 1 piece of beef, 2 roast potatoes, 3 sprouts, 1 tbsp carrots, 1 tbsp peas and 2 crisp breads with 30g low fat cheese, tomato, lettuce and bag snack a jacks. So not starving but I still havent had my band filled yet as I have been losing weight however I have requested fill now as feel like I can eat too much. I am full after my meals but not uncomfy so must be doing it right. Hope this helps. Good luck. Oh shopping I have noticed less money being spent so another bonus!!