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Cdms811 Update


New Member
Hi Guys,

Back home yesterday afternoon after bypass on Wednesday moring by Mr Seymour at North Tyneside. The difference is unbelievable. You get told about how little you will be able to eat and you get to see from others but until you experience it for yourself.......

In short since my op I have had 24 hours on water sips, I was allowed a yoghurt on Thursday night (managed 1/2 pot muller light) same amount of yoghurt managed for breakfast on Friday and 1/2 bowl mushroom soup for lunch. Since getting home have had some mushed up mashed potato for one meal and some baked beans. Both of these have been 2 tablespoons, no more.

As for pain. got some from the shoulder due to the gas escaping but nothing around the stomach

Keep you updated
Congratulations on your op. :winner:

Half a muller yoghurt?? wow! :party0011:

Like you say, untill u actually experience it for yourself, it is slightly unbelievable.

So now your journey begins (mine will in 3wk), cant wait to hear your views as to what happens on the way.

Take Care. x
Gosh, I knew it was a little amount, it just sounds so odd .. still be to be experienced by me, but i only have just over a month to go (what's that when you've fought with weight for 20 years ?)
congratulations on getting there and coming home so well.
Glad your op went smoothly! Get lots of rest and I hope your recovery is a swift one!

really pleased for you that all went well. xx
Congrats - glad things all went smoothly and look forward to hearing about your progress!!! :)
Great that you are home and all went well, now for the weight loss, it is truly astonishing :D
Thanks for the update Phil-glad to hear all is well
Congratulations on becoming a loser. I am so pleased that your op went well. I cannot wait to experience fullness like that.