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Coffee At Bedtime.

Mrs Quiggle

New Member
I'm just wondering if caffeine has a greater effect now than it did before we had a bypass a bit like alcohol is supposed to make you drunk quicker now. It's just that I had a lovely mug of coffee made with all milk before I went to bed and laid there and laid there until in the end I played a game of scrabble on my DS and at 3am decided I ought to at least try again and the last time I looked at the clock it was 3.20am. The alarm goes off at 7am to get the kids up.

I've always been able to drink coffee, tea, eat cheese etc. anything in fact before bed and not have any problems dropping off but last night I was so wide awake I could have got up spring cleaned the house. Didn't of course :D

Think I'll be leaving the coffee out and just having the milk tonight just in case. Anyone else had similar experiences.

Love a very tired Kate x
Try changing the coffee to a spoonful of Options / Ovaltine light. I sometimes find myself playing solitaire on my pda in the wee small hours, whether I've had a bedtime drink or not though. Just all those dreams and plans whirling around the head... So much more good stuff to plan for now!
have decaff?
Nothing seems to keep me awake post op! pre op i was an owl. Now I even nod off in the day!