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i cant wait for peps to start complimenting on my weight loss, im soooo gonna lap it up whoop whoop:party0049::greenapple:
I have been working on a trade stand at the NEC for a few days and the customers that haven't seen me for a while have all commented on how much i have lost. So i have had to take compliments for three days solid :)
and how did you respond???? I hope you took them gracefully :)
Now now ladies lol

Well my smile must of worked as I was top salesman of the show for our company, and we went out for a curry last night to celebrate and my boss took me to one side and said since my operation he has seen my confidence increase and my general happiness.

So I guess I was smiling lol
Now now ladies lol

Well my smile must of worked as I was top salesman of the show for our company, and we went out for a curry last night to celebrate and my boss took me to one side and said since my operation he has seen my confidence increase and my general happiness.

So I guess I was smiling lol
... I'm made up for you Gary! that must have been an amazing confidence boost to you. makes it all soooooo worthwhile !
I'm so pleased for you Gary, you deserve the compliments, you've done brilliantly with your weight loss and you're looking great.

I have to be honest I love all the compliments, it's great seeing someone I haven't seen for ages, infact I'm going on a girly night out on Saturday and only 1 of the girls has seen me since the op but I wasn't dressed up so roll on the Saturday !
You deserve all your compliments Gary - you have worked so hard pre-op and post-op!!! And good on your boss for recognising your extra confidence - my boss said exactly the same the other day! She is a friend more than my boss and the only one at work who knows about my op! She was really lovely and I know what she said was true - I walk around the hospital where I work with a huge smile on my face - or should I say float around!! As you said, long way to go but we have made a big start and it can only get better!! here's to more compliments and a smiley future xxx
ill let you know when i get there but im not holding my breath as there allot of nasty people around
Well done Gary , so the weight loss is paying off with your job also! As for any advice I don't have anything to add that the other great guys on here have not already said.
I went out last night with some woman I used to work with some haven't seen me for 10 years , only two said how great I was looking which reminds me of what I was told years ago , when you lose weight. Two things happen
1) you,ve lost too much !
2) nothing said at all.
often your friends like you the way you are and can't deal with you getting more attention than them !
I know I will never be a raving beauty but for the first time in years I felt I could go to the bar/loo etc without thinking people were looking and thinking how fat I was.men spoke to me , asked if I was local etc and it felt normal.
A few years ago I saw a couple of neighbours from where I grew up and one said , you used to be a real looker back then ! His wife looked mortified .
I have 1 friend who in the past told me I could never be slim as the weight is what makes me, me. guessing as ive always been overweight it made sense but she was the only friend I chose not to tell when embarking on my journey! I have since told her, but before I did she had a health warning slapped across her face. I told her I would let her in on a secret but she needed to think before she reacted and not come out with any comments I wouldnt want to hear..so apart from her language when I told her what it had cost she did her best at refraining from saying much else! all my other friends know and praise me on how I'm changing in appearance to which I just say thanks but I've kept away from this 1 friend for now as when I see her I don't expect anything nice to be said..there will be some sarcastic comment...unless she did hear the health warning I gave her!! it's great to be recognised for your changing shape...lap it up!!
I was always slim til mid 30's I had a horse and rode and was very active . I had a nasty fall on a cross-country ride and my back was damaged . I didn't know how badly this would affect me at the time but it triggered an old whiplash injury to rear it's ugly head. It's so bad now I can't stand, sit or walk without pain. So the weight started to creep on. I could no longer work or ride. Then within a year my horse died ( I had him from the day he was born) my dad died, my mother-in-law died two days after dad and then 5 very close friends and neighbours also died. I was so very low and just put my head and hands into the fridge.the rest is history. I tried ww/sw / Cambridge / lighter life but any weight lost soon came back. So my consultant said I should consider surgery as I was not able to exercise it off and it could help my back. 6 stone down and in as much pain as ever
I love getting compliments now. At the start I was quite embarrassed about the fact that I had to go to the extreme of having the bypass to help me lose weight.... but now I know how bloody hard I work at the eating and going to gym etc, that I know that I deserve to lose weight, deserve to feel good about myself... & heck if people think I look good then I am lapping it up lol :)

None of us have taken the easy road - take credit for your accomplishments :)
Gary just smile, say thank you, if they ask say its been a tough road but your winning, that your pleased with what you've achieved so far & whilst you have more to lose before you are ready to stop. Enjoy the compliments they are well deserved & boost our self confidence & worth as well as the health benefits you're already achieving.