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day 2 after surgery


still not allowed food only liquids still on drip for fluids had a shower this morning was hard work but i managed just had some ora morph for the wind pain laid in bed now resting x
Glad to hear you're doing ok! It certainly feels strange post surgery, I had an odd night in my own bed as I sleep on my side, but can't because of where my entrance ports are, as such, I slept at a right funny angle lol

It just feels so strange to not feel hungry at all, and rarely thursday, I managed a couple of glasses of milk yesterday, one blended with 1/2 banana and 400ml of ribena NAS, but that was it . . .not even 200 calories which just seems very odd . . .going to try some of the home made soup today tho to try and get back into things on this fluid stage, but I don't feel hungry and nothing appeals . . .strange feeling thats for sure.

How long do you have to stay in for hun?
i have to stay in until tuesday glad ur doing ok x
Pleased to hear you are ok luvva, its not long til Tuesday, just rest up and gather your strength so that you can get your head round the new eating regime that will set you on the next stage of the wl journey. Take care sleep when you can accept meds if they offer them and any help offered when you get home believe me it is a Godsend, I couldnot have managed the 1st week without hubby n daughter they sorted all my meals the 1st week till I got my head into gear.xx
thanks xxx
Hope you're resting well Kellie!

I felt a bit iffy this afternoon, I cant stop sneezing and my right eye is streaming, must be to do with the tubes down my throat during surgery I think, but its making everything rather blurry . . .plus, having to literally remind myself to drink something because I dont feel hungry, thirsty or anything . . .but was a bit shocked that when I added what I'd had by evening it totalled only 125 cals lol

Hope you're resting well *hugs* to you!
Glad to hear you're ok Kellie, it won't be long 'til you're home again!
First few days I ached so much in my legs, arms and back, one of the nurses told me it was because after I'd been put to sleep I was given a muscle relaxant...my legs put in stirrups and cranked as far apart as possible so that the surgeon could stand between them to operate :eek:
I know, so so dignified!
My back and arms took all the pressure which is why they ached terribly, but I'm 5 days post op now and all my aches have gone.
Take care lovely and take it easy.
Em xxxx
thanks still got lots of gas they have just.took my drip down thank god just want to be at home im allowed small amounts of food today so i think il have yogurt for breakfast x
thanks still got lots of gas they have just.took my drip down thank god just want to be at home im allowed small amounts of food today so i think il have yogurt for breakfast x

I felt better as soon as I got home :)
Hope you're resting well Kellie!

I felt a bit iffy this afternoon, I cant stop sneezing and my right eye is streaming, must be to do with the tubes down my throat during surgery I think, but its making everything rather blurry . . .plus, having to literally remind myself to drink something because I dont feel hungry, thirsty or anything . . .but was a bit shocked that when I added what I'd had by evening it totalled only 125 cals lol

Hope you're resting well *hugs* to you!
Glad you're doing wel. Kellie. Kat - try to have your protein shakes and high protein soups - blended of course. You need them, especially for tissue repair. I didn't have much appetite post op, but tried to have liquid food every 3-4 hours, even if only half a cup or so. Txxx
Kellie and Kat pleased to hear all went well for you both. Am amazed you've got on here so soon this is the first time my laptop hasn't been swimming too much before my eyes for me to type lol Take it easy both of you, I believe things get better. Welcome to the losers bench :)
Glad u t both on the mend kellie and kat try and get lloads of rest and sleep.must feel weird not getting hungry! Wishing u a speedy recovery. Ketp us posted
thanks x
Hinhun are you home yet? X
yes im out now diamind thank god x
That's great, just read ur other post saying you were out. How u feeling chick xxx
ok buy when a walk.a bit to far my back feels like its going to.snap and everything i eat i get traped wind but apart from that im ok how are you diamond x
Ofcourse Caroline, will be nice to meet you. I'm ok kellie, been really tired today and I think Iv had my first dumping episode. I ate a low fat chock mouse and I felt sick and got crampy pains at the bottom of my tummy. Could this be dumping?
Still not getting enough fluids down me, I'm finding this really hard! Can you tell me your daily menue? As I'm getting sick of mine and need some more ideas :) xxx