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doesnt the word "dumping" sound dreadful.


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I have to laugh about it , but that word "DUMPING" sound gross. Ime not saying that I dont use it cause I do but the other day me and my daughter was P.O.S.L I had half a biscuit that you know!!!! she tied my hands behind my back and made me eat it (Yea right) and I then said omg I hope I dont dump. She thought I meant poo myself.:rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao: What would be a pleasant name for it?? Gail
I know!!! It's what my hubby & his mates say when they want to have a bowel movement!!!!!:eek::eek::eek: He didn't want to tell them yesterday that I was 'dumping or having a dump' in the bathroom when they wondered what on earth I was doing :eek:
I know what you mean TPT because Last sat all the windows were open and my husbands shouting " are you O.K love your not dumping are you":eek::eek::eek: I was bl**dy horified. Can you imagine all the B.B.Q going on and he shouts that.:rotflmao::rotflmao:
I know!!! It's what my hubby & his mates say when they want to have a bowel movement!!!!!:eek::eek::eek: He didn't want to tell them yesterday that I was 'dumping or having a dump' in the bathroom when they wondered what on earth I was doing :eek:
I know what you mean TPT because Last sat all the windows were open and my husbands shouting " are you O.K love your not dumping are you":eek::eek::eek: I was bl**dy horified. Can you imagine all the B.B.Q going on and he shouts that.:rotflmao::rotflmao:
PMSL Gail this comment has made my day good to have laugh................:8855:
Call it Hyper-digestion, because the quickly infused high concentration of sugar into the digestive track (caused by our bypassed pyloric valve) creates a 'rushed' digestion and a flood of insulin which combined causes the symptoms of hot & cold flashes, pounding heart, extreme tiredness, and the faint feeling along with abdominal cramps, nausea & diarrhea.
What is Dumping? The name Dumping has been given to a collection of symptoms that occur after a meal in patients who have undergone certain operations upon the stomach.

The symptoms fall into two groups. One group consists of symptoms that appear to be definitely related to the digestive tract: the patient feels sick, their abdomen feels bloated, they experience borborygmi, (a word that means tummy-rumblings), and this combination of symptoms sometimes leads up to passing a bulky, loose bowel motion. The other group of symptoms is quite different. Patients feel tired and want to lie down, and this may progress until they actually feel faint and sweaty and are aware that their heart is thumping (palpitations).

What is the Cause?
The cause of the symptoms is that the stomach is emptying its mixture of food and gastric juice into the intestines at a rate that is greater than normal.

Normally, when food enters the stomach it mixes with the gastric juice and digestion commences. The valve at the lower end of the stomach, the pylorus, acts as a brake on stomach emptying, so that the mixture is allowed through only bit by bit. If the valve is removed by surgery, or its function reduced by paralysing the muscle that forms the valve, the mixture gushes through into the intestine and causes the symptoms.
Thank you Nic, thats quite an interesting read. By the way did you get your invite? I posted it wed. Gail:D
Call it Hyper-digestion, because the quickly infused high concentration of sugar into the digestive track (caused by our bypassed pyloric valve) creates a 'rushed' digestion and a flood of insulin which combined causes the symptoms of hot & cold flashes, pounding heart, extreme tiredness, and the faint feeling along with abdominal cramps, nausea & diarrhea.
What is Dumping? The name Dumping has been given to a collection of symptoms that occur after a meal in patients who have undergone certain operations upon the stomach.

The symptoms fall into two groups. One group consists of symptoms that appear to be definitely related to the digestive tract: the patient feels sick, their abdomen feels bloated, they experience borborygmi, (a word that means tummy-rumblings), and this combination of symptoms sometimes leads up to passing a bulky, loose bowel motion. The other group of symptoms is quite different. Patients feel tired and want to lie down, and this may progress until they actually feel faint and sweaty and are aware that their heart is thumping (palpitations).

What is the Cause?
The cause of the symptoms is that the stomach is emptying its mixture of food and gastric juice into the intestines at a rate that is greater than normal.

Normally, when food enters the stomach it mixes with the gastric juice and digestion commences. The valve at the lower end of the stomach, the pylorus, acts as a brake on stomach emptying, so that the mixture is allowed through only bit by bit. If the valve is removed by surgery, or its function reduced by paralysing the muscle that forms the valve, the mixture gushes through into the intestine and causes the symptoms.
Yes Gail I received it in the mail:D, what a lovely invite, really looking forward to it!

Horrible thing. Horrible name.

I used to have a similar problem with Metformin (and so, occasionally, does my husband who has recently started taking the same tablets).

We usually refer to it as "an incident" :(


I like that name:cool::cool::cool: and yes me is going to use that one thank-you boblatina.xx
Horrible thing. Horrible name.

I used to have a similar problem with Metformin (and so, occasionally, does my husband who has recently started taking the same tablets).

We usually refer to it as "an incident" :(


Hi Nic I lovvvvvvveeeee the dress you look fab. Now that is how I want peeps to look at my party, so far I have bought 3 dresses all different sizes L.O.L but if I look 1/2 as good as you I will be happy . Ive already bought my blingy bling that was easy. I just love bling Ime trying to get everyone to wear a tiara I just love them so we can all be a princess for the night L.O.L Is the meeting still on the 9th sept at the salford royal? Gail
Yes Gail I received it in the mail:D, what a lovely invite, really looking forward to it!

Hi Nic I lovvvvvvveeeee the dress you look fab. Now that is how I want peeps to look at my party, so far I have bought 3 dresses all different sizes L.O.L but if I look 1/2 as good as you I will be happy . Ive already bought my blingy bling that was easy. I just love bling Ime trying to get everyone to wear a tiara I just love them so we can all be a princess for the night L.O.L Is the meeting still on the 9th sept at the salford royal? Gail

Thanks Gail, I am sure you will look a million on your special night. I am game for wearing a tiara! Meeting is still on for the 9th, same palce & time.
