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Fill in the morning...


Bring on the Trumpets!
Ho hum another day another fill....

Fingers crossed it's not the nightmare it was last time. I don't enjoy being used as dart practice.

There is a new surgeon now called Samer Humadi, and it will be the first time I see him for a fill, so fingers crossed.
Good luck for your fill! Hopefully it will be done by someone with a steady hand!! xx
Good Luck xxx
Thank you so much guys for your wishes.

I am not normally Nervous Nora about a fill but one bad experience plays havoc with the brain.

I shall be done and dusted by midday hopefully (but sometimes have to wait an hour to be seen)

I wont be back online till later tonight but will update you :)
Well what can I say...they did not do a fill and I got referred to a dietician.

Back in 3 months.
Weight loss is too slow...:(

10lbs in 10 months :( :(

But I gave them what I eat and the exercise I do, so they are going to help me tweak my diet and see if that helps.

If not they are going to look in other directions to help me.
Weight loss is too slow...:(

10lbs in 10 months :( :(

But I gave them what I eat and the exercise I do, so they are going to help me tweak my diet and see if that helps.

If not they are going to look in other directions to help me.

ty for your reply. I had too be assessed by a dietician before I was given the go ahead for another fill, not sure if this is the norm or not. Hope things improve for you xx
I am fed up with it all to be honest...

I am pleased with weight lost so far as so much has improved but I am a bit stuck, so I will be glad to give anything a go.

This new surgeon does all the proceedures and said he would have bypassed me if I had seen him originally.
I am fed up with it all to be honest...

Hi Caz sorry to hear your having a rough time x

I am pleased with weight lost so far as so much has improved but I am a bit stuck, so I will be glad to give anything a go.
I really hope they can help you work things out x

This new surgeon does all the proceedures and said he would have bypassed me if I had seen him originally.

If things dont improve would you actually consider a bypass ??? im really glad ive converted and only wished id done so when the 1st band needed to come out x