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Gastric Band

First time of loggin on to site, So a huge hello to you all.

Lost the last couple of hours reading threads. Its a great comfort to belong to a resource that has so many who understand the complete and utter turmoil I go through on a daily basis with my weight.

My weight gain is definately linked with being an emotional eater. Tried counselling,WW.SW,LL etc,etc and yes I always have succeeded with a certain amount of weight loss usually about 3 stone only to tire/get bored and give up. Need to lose approx 8st.

So there is no question that I not able to lose weight, just losing enough and sticking with it is my down fall.

Now 15 months on from my biggest weight loss of 4st 6lbs with LL I am now bigger than ever tipping towards the 18st mark. My god how I loathe myself for being so weak and failing again.

I love being slimmer and feeling healthier not to mention the joy of buying clothes off the rails rather than the ubqitous cover ups.

47 and heading towards ill health times if I dont sort myself out soon. My beloved Mum has Diabetes, Heart problems and suffered a massive stroke Dec 2007, if I dont stop sabourtaging myself I too will head into the self same trap.

As I see my only saviour can be surgical intervention. What a state to allow myself to get into but what else can I do?

The other alternatives have not worked .

God do I ever ramble sorry,see what a captive audience does to me.

Now my research, has started into the pros and cons of the said procedure but I would be very grateful to hear from anyone with advice on where to research, questions to ask, pricing, Uk/aboard, which Surgeon Etc.

Also 1 comment that keeps rearing its head is "its not the easy option" what do they mean by that?

I will go and leave you now before you give up the will to live with this ones constant chatter. Sorry.:confused:
First time of loggin on to site, So a huge hello to you all.

Lost the last couple of hours reading threads. Its a great comfort to belong to a resource that has so many who understand the complete and utter turmoil I go through on a daily basis with my weight.

My weight gain is definately linked with being an emotional eater. Tried counselling,WW.SW,LL etc,etc and yes I always have succeeded with a certain amount of weight loss usually about 3 stone only to tire/get bored and give up. Need to lose approx 8st.

So there is no question that I not able to lose weight, just losing enough and sticking with it is my down fall.

Now 15 months on from my biggest weight loss of 4st 6lbs with LL I am now bigger than ever tipping towards the 18st mark. My god how I loathe myself for being so weak and failing again.

I love being slimmer and feeling healthier not to mention the joy of buying clothes off the rails rather than the ubqitous cover ups.

47 and heading towards ill health times if I dont sort myself out soon. My beloved Mum has Diabetes, Heart problems and suffered a massive stroke Dec 2007, if I dont stop sabourtaging myself I too will head into the self same trap.

As I see my only saviour can be surgical intervention. What a state to allow myself to get into but what else can I do?

The other alternatives have not worked .

God do I ever ramble sorry,see what a captive audience does to me.

Now my research, has started into the pros and cons of the said procedure but I would be very grateful to hear from anyone with advice on where to research, questions to ask, pricing, Uk/aboard, which Surgeon Etc.

Also 1 comment that keeps rearing its head is "its not the easy option" what do they mean by that?

I will go and leave you now before you give up the will to live with this ones constant chatter. Sorry.:confused:

hi and welcome im banded but was nhs ot private so cant help with that have you asked your gp if you will be a suitable candidate ? people say its not the easy option because you stll have to eat the right things as choccy crisps etc slide thru the band so if you over indulge with them it will hinder your weightloss, it does however stop binging on solid foods as you cant eat as much, i love my band best thing i ever did but for some bypass was a better option and you may want to research that as well good luck xxx
Hi and welcome. I am pre op Band so can't help with what it is like after. I an totally relate to all you feelings etc. I too lost just over 4 stone a couple of years ago. I then got pregnant and am bigger than ever.

I don't think I am taking the easy option as I still have to work at loosing weight. I still have to eat less, healthier and exercise. The difference is the band is an aid to this and to top it off it will help me to keep the weight that I loose off.

When are you due to have your op?
hello and :welcome: to minis, you have come to the right place for support im a bander of 4 years and i just like you had tried all the other diets, have you tryed the nhs route regarding banding ?

liz x
Sorry just sure the bit about questions re prices etc.

I am private and although it is not one of the cheapest (£6950) I took into account the whole package.

Look into the aftercare and what you get. Some come with a certain number of band fills. Some unlimited and some none at all. There is also a lot more than just the band fills. Aftercare includes support groups, helplines, access to bariatric nurse etc.
Hi Punkie, welcome to Mini-mins. There are loads of people with far more experience than I and you will get a wealth of info from them - I'm only 3 1/2 weeks post op, but already have lost a good amount but need fills to reach the perfect or "sweet spot". I think with the surgery, you have to consider each package - if you go abroad, where will you get your fills. Some packages offer aftercare (Bariatric nurse etc) and some free fills but I went for the cheapest option available through the Hospital Group - their Why Go Abroad package ( they do other packages too) this is from £4,950 - 5,450 depending on BMI (under BMI 45 = lower price). I already have support with NHS and will be paying £125 a pop for the fills. This suited me fine but it may not suit everyone.
Anyway, good luck with your research etc.
Hi Hun. welcome to Mini's

I think first port of call for anyone considering WLS should be BOSPA - The British Obesity Surgery Patient Association There you will find all you need to know about the various procedures, and also the criteria for securing funding for the op on the NHS.

Good luck with your research hun, and fire away all the questions you want. We have some brilliant banders here all ready to offer advice to you xx
hi and welcome im banded but was nhs ot private so cant help with that have you asked your gp if you will be a suitable candidate ? people say its not the easy option because you stll have to eat the right things as choccy crisps etc slide thru the band so if you over indulge with them it will hinder your weightloss, it does however stop binging on solid foods as you cant eat as much, i love my band best thing i ever did but for some bypass was a better option and you may want to research that as well good luck xxx
Thank You for your reply. Yes I too have considered taking the route of surgery with NHS, it appears from my research it is available in my area.

How long do you have to wait for the procedure to be done. I've worked in the NHS sine I was 17 and very aware of its shortcomings with speed!!

How long were you in hopsital? Did it hurt? Do you really feel content with what you eat ? thanks re tip of Choc and crisps, the later being my achilles heel.

The way I am viewing this possible procedure, I'd rather pay out x amount on the operation at least I wont need to keep buying larger clothes and subscriptions to slimming clubs etc. which can cost a fortune. LL £66.00 PW!!

I hate having photos taken looking like I do and feel in time there will be lapses of my existence charted for the future.
You re a treasure and well done so far xx
Hi and welcome. I am pre op Band so can't help with what it is like after. I an totally relate to all you feelings etc. I too lost just over 4 stone a couple of years ago. I then got pregnant and am bigger than ever.

I don't think I am taking the easy option as I still have to work at loosing weight. I still have to eat less, healthier and exercise. The difference is the band is an aid to this and to top it off it will help me to keep the weight that I loose off.

When are you due to have your op?
Good Luck with the op.

Sure you are excited tinged with some apprehension.
No date booked as yet for me, not even sure what route to take as yet.

Keep us posted with your success,
Hi and welcome to minis I was banded last July and am so glad I had it done. I was also done on the NHS so not sure of costings privately. You will get loads of support on here there is lots of us that have had bands and there will always be someone to help you with any questions you have.
Good Luck with your journey xx
hello and :welcome: to minis, you have come to the right place for support im a bander of 4 years and i just like you had tried all the other diets, have you tryed the nhs route regarding banding ?

liz x
Well done you 4 years post op and looking terrific.

On your thread it states twin banding do you have 2 insitu? or me being stupid

Do you have any regrets about having it done Liz?

What has been the best thing to come from having the procedure ? conversly what has been the worst?

Wish I had done this 2 years back when I first thought about it, but opted for LL. several hundred pounds lighter and still overweight.

Did you ever feel you were doomed to be fat? thats just how I feel in my negative moments.

The support I am getting already from here is such a fabulous assest.

Heres to a brighter happier future xx

hi there and welcome to minis, i am a post bander and i had mine fitted 5 months ago privately with wga. It is the best money i have ever spent and have lost a total of 3 stone so am nearly at target and have lost 76% of my excess body fat. I am sure that you will make the right decision on choice of procedure. Julie
Well done you 4 years post op and looking terrific.

On your thread it states twin banding do you have 2 insitu? or me being stupid

Do you have any regrets about having it done Liz?

What has been the best thing to come from having the procedure ? conversly what has been the worst?

Wish I had done this 2 years back when I first thought about it, but opted for LL. several hundred pounds lighter and still overweight.

Did you ever feel you were doomed to be fat? thats just how I feel in my negative moments.

The support I am getting already from here is such a fabulous assest.

Heres to a brighter happier future xx

hi the twin banded means i have had 2 bands, the 1st was removed and replaced with another band after 3.5 years thro manufacture faults which i must state is a rare thing.

the best thing is that im a new person with a second chance of living a normal life and i can be the mum my son desrves to have now and i feel so much more healthier.

the worst was when i was severly dehydrated by an over tight band, if ever you cant swallow your own saliver or simple water, contact your providor immeadiatly for an emergency de fill.

doomed to be fat no, made and kept myself fat thro my bad life style & food choices, and kept them bad ways up thro my food addictions.

liz x
Hi Punkie, welcome to Mini-mins. There are loads of people with far more experience than I and you will get a wealth of info from them - I'm only 3 1/2 weeks post op, but already have lost a good amount but need fills to reach the perfect or "sweet spot". I think with the surgery, you have to consider each package - if you go abroad, where will you get your fills. Some packages offer aftercare (Bariatric nurse etc) and some free fills but I went for the cheapest option available through the Hospital Group - their Why Go Abroad package ( they do other packages too) this is from £4,950 - 5,450 depending on BMI (under BMI 45 = lower price). I already have support with NHS and will be paying £125 a pop for the fills. This suited me fine but it may not suit everyone.
Anyway, good luck with your research etc.
Thank you for your reply.

Its great having this support network. Everyone is so kind and willing to speak candidly about their own experiences. I for one have avoided full and open discussion in the past hence why some of the counselling has failed me I'm sure.

Anyway what is done is done and we have to look forward and not wallow in self pity.

When you first approached the clinic you chose what happened next ? time scales hospital follow up, after care etc.?

How many "fills" have you needed to date?
Is there a limit to these?

Sorry so many questions my head is full of Gastric Banding at the mo.
Hiya, Welcome to the forum. Best thing I ever did was have the band, well worth the money and pain.
Timescales - Went to see the Prof in March 08 and a month later was being operated on. I'm with the hospital group and contracted for 1 year, 4 fills and dietician advice. Already had 3 fills, and dietician rings me every month or if I feel I want one on one, can go into there clinic in Leeds.
All the best xx

Better go, as going clothes shopping at Boundary Mills in Colne today. Yeahh
Hi and welcome to minis I was banded last July and am so glad I had it done. I was also done on the NHS so not sure of costings privately. You will get loads of support on here there is lots of us that have had bands and there will always be someone to help you with any questions you have.
Good Luck with your journey xx
Well Done Lesley, on your success.

How have you found things? Has there been any pleasant surprises or shocks you weren't prepared for?

Do you really feel saiety after eating the same as when you have a Normal meal pre banding?

Feeling better prepared with the help and advice I've recieved from this site fantastic x
Hi Hun. welcome to Mini's

I think first port of call for anyone considering WLS should be BOSPA - The British Obesity Surgery Patient Association There you will find all you need to know about the various procedures, and also the criteria for securing funding for the op on the NHS.

Good luck with your research hun, and fire away all the questions you want. We have some brilliant banders here all ready to offer advice to you xx
Thanks Sam,
I have come across the web site you highlighted I agree its a good starting point.

What did you base your decison on regarding going for By-pass rather than GB?

Hope that isn't to nosy, say if it is ? I'm just so hungry for info on this topic sometimes I get carried away.

Thanks for your support.
Thanks Sam,
I have come across the web site you highlighted I agree its a good starting point.

What did you base your decison on regarding going for By-pass rather than GB?

Hope that isn't to nosy, say if it is ? I'm just so hungry for info on this topic sometimes I get carried away.

Thanks for your support.

Hiya... not nosey at all. Thats what is so brilliant about this forum, you can ask anything.

For me, I was already fairly certain I wanted bypass over band before my hospital appointment. My own research has shown me that the bypass is better suited to my eating habits. I eat large portions, which will be restricted by the bypass as well as fatty/sugary foods which could just slip through if I had the band. I personally felt that the band required more willpower, and whilst I am currently feeling very strong and focused about WLS, I know I will have my weak moments and the fear of dumping will hopefully stop me indulging in the wrong foods.

At the hospital, the doctor told me that a band could still potentially leave me obese after I had stopped losing weight, due to the amount I need to lose. That was the deciding factor for me. Im not putting myself through all this to still be fat at the end of it.

You are asking all the right questions hun. Keep on researching as much as humanly possible. You will reach the right decision for you.
Hiya, Welcome to the forum. Best thing I ever did was have the band, well worth the money and pain.
Timescales - Went to see the Prof in March 08 and a month later was being operated on. I'm with the hospital group and contracted for 1 year, 4 fills and dietician advice. Already had 3 fills, and dietician rings me every month or if I feel I want one on one, can go into there clinic in Leeds.
All the best xx

Better go, as going clothes shopping at Boundary Mills in Colne today. Yea
Lucky you, enjoying clothes shopping. Shopping for outfit at my size is nothing short of torture, I hate it. Although when I have lost weight in the past it can be fun going into somewhere like Dorothy Perkins and sure it will fit.

Sure the Bank balance will have suffered but waht the hell, these clothes are meant to be bought and give such joy in return.

You have done so very well since the GB application and in such a short space of time. How difficult has it been?

My problem lies with portion sizes, not large just collasal.I manage the same as my husband which is shocking but I love food and that lovely sensation of feeling full.

How do you think a GB will tolerate this or should I be considering Bypass?