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GUTTED! Waiting times just got longer...

It really isn't fair that you've waited so long to see the surgeon hun x

For some reason, it seems to be a much longer process if you're having a balloon first and I just don't get it. Surely if you're getting a balloon and then a bypass they'd book you in for the balloon asap to get the ball rolling for the bypass later? It doesn't make sense to me unless they want you to lose more weight first but they don't set extra weight loss targets... I don't understand!?! X
I do feel its ironic that I have to have a balloon first to get a bypass because I'm too fat for the operation! Surely that's what the bypass is for and I know the risks are higher but surely that's what this operation was designed for the morbidly obese

I could rant forever about cancelled appts etc there is a lady on here who attended the seminar 1 week before me and is done GUTTED Yes. jealous Yes

I will just keep coming on here and getting support and keep trying to lose it myself (not very successful at this hence waiting for an op)

We all must keep going and support each other would think about going to Darlington but my husband has lost his mum, dad and brother to their ineptness I am very reluctant to try there.
hi newcy
haven't been on for a while,but just came across your thread.I phoned a couple a weeks ago,and was told i was under mr small,which ive always thought balapuri.I was put through to admissions,They were really nice and said i should be done by 21st may.But i won't hold my breath.Its so disappointing.As soon as i hear anything i will let you know.They also said you won't wait any longer than 6 mths.So hopefully end of june at latest.:)
Good luck ladies I know its a long drawn out wait it was for me to, but it will come whe n you least expect it to. Hope you are all sorted by the summer and be looking gorgeous for the Xmas parties . xxx
I could rant forever about cancelled appts etc there is a lady on here who attended the seminar 1 week before me and is done GUTTED Yes. jealous Yes

I will just keep coming on here and getting support and keep trying to lose it myself (not very successful at this hence waiting for an op)

When I rang last week the secretary said she'd had a cancellation last week and someone who'd been on the list a month less than me got the date. I could seriously rant but if I do it will just eat me up. Like you say we need to just keep coming on here for support and try our best to lose weight until we get our dates x

hi newcy
haven't been on for a while,but just came across your thread.I phoned a couple a weeks ago,and was told i was under mr small,which ive always thought balapuri.I was put through to admissions,They were really nice and said i should be done by 21st may.But i won't hold my breath.Its so disappointing.As soon as i hear anything i will let you know.They also said you won't wait any longer than 6 mths.So hopefully end of june at latest.:)

Gr8 to hear from you hun! I really hoped we would get our dates before end of May as I have loads on in June/July when I'd rather be over the worse of it but May would definitely be better than June. Yes, I'll pm you if I hear anything too - fingers crossed x
Just got back from New York today, and read your update Newcy. I am also gutted. I was expecting to get a date pretty soon after I came home. I'm at a loss as to why they would offer a cancellation to someone who has been on the list less time than you. Did they give you any indication as to why? It just show you how demand has grown in the north east as my doctor told me on the day he referred me that the last person he had referred took 8 months from referral to op.
Hi hun - how was the big apple? Sooooooo jealous!

The secretary said they were working on the early Nov people so you should be hearing something in less than a month - hopefully you'll get a date for May?!?.

I think I'd rather not know about people who have gone through faster as it just depresses me and I can't change it but I don't get how that works. Fingers crossed you get a call asap x
It was great, but VERY busy. Shopping wasn't that great for my size really and was very expensive compared to Florida, so didn't buy much at all. Sight-seeing was great though. I will deffo let you know as soon as I hear anything. At least you were able to get them to tell you something, which is more than I got from the secretary. I was thinking that the size of the queues would go down rather than up because of the other hospitals starting to do bariatric surgery, but I guess not :(
Thankfully when I was there I was a size 14 so got loads of stuff but spent a fortune - I hope to go back once I reach my goal weight as it's a beautiful city.

I was hoping the same thing but I guess they've got to work through the backlog first. I'll let you know the minute I hear anything x
Good luck girls i know how i felt and how often i pestered the secretaries think i spoke to each one of those secretaries on various occasions. THink they new who i was certainlky recognised my name when i used to ring must have been bloody sick of me but not as sick as i was waiting, i had put things on hold for more than ayear and a half no hloidays or anything taht really p,d me off. until that wonderful day whenthey rang as i came home from work 1 Thursday afternoon. I wasby nmyself and hubby at work till 10 both kids were at work had no one to tell went round the living room laughing and shouting yessss to my self, rang my parents cos it would be them who nwould be taking me in and didn't want them booking aholliday wheni would need them, we are exstatic then i had the trauma of the preop, my blood pressure was sky high isn't usually tho. Had to go 3 times a week for the next fortnight to my own nurse to get bp taken and recorded cos preop nurse said doc wouldnt op with bp that high, i wen tinto panic mode for those 2 weeks i cried and streesed out didn't know if i could even have the op, my last reading was still high but had come down a bit, on THursday and had to go in Friday after lunch, at that point still didn't know for definite if they would do it or not, they took it when i got in and never me ntioned a thing about it, it was me that told themn afterwards the nurse said they had seen much higher it was then i finally relaxed and accepted i was finally on my way. That preop nurse should be shot what afortnight of worry I put in. jUST BEWARE LADIES CASE IT SHOULD HAPEN TO YOU i was in Sunderland the ward staff and Mr. Mahawar were all lovely just that nurse. xx Good luck girls hope its soon xx
Sincerely hope you hear very soon, the waiting for a date is all consuming of thoughts, conversations,etc!
I could think of nothing else for months then got a call on the Monday and had my Op on the Saturday!!!
Good luck girls i know how i felt and how often i pestered the secretaries think i spoke to each one of those secretaries on various occasions. THink they new who i was certainlky recognised my name when i used to ring must have been bloody sick of me but not as sick as i was waiting, i had put things on hold for more than ayear and a half no hloidays or anything taht really p,d me off. until that wonderful day whenthey rang as i came home from work 1 Thursday afternoon. I wasby nmyself and hubby at work till 10 both kids were at work had no one to tell went round the living room laughing and shouting yessss to my self, rang my parents cos it would be them who nwould be taking me in and didn't want them booking aholliday wheni would need them, we are exstatic then i had the trauma of the preop, my blood pressure was sky high isn't usually tho. Had to go 3 times a week for the next fortnight to my own nurse to get bp taken and recorded cos preop nurse said doc wouldnt op with bp that high, i wen tinto panic mode for those 2 weeks i cried and streesed out didn't know if i could even have the op, my last reading was still high but had come down a bit, on THursday and had to go in Friday after lunch, at that point still didn't know for definite if they would do it or not, they took it when i got in and never me ntioned a thing about it, it was me that told themn afterwards the nurse said they had seen much higher it was then i finally relaxed and accepted i was finally on my way. That preop nurse should be shot what afortnight of worry I put in. jUST BEWARE LADIES CASE IT SHOULD HAPEN TO YOU i was in Sunderland the ward staff and Mr. Mahawar were all lovely just that nurse. xx Good luck girls hope its soon xx

My hubby works away and I haven't told my kids as they're just young so my Mum is the only person I will be able to tell when I get the call - I have visions of myself jumping up and down around the kitchen in virtual silent celebration lol.

I had a similar problem when I was pregnant with my second daughter as the nurse wrote my bmi down wrong and the doctor who barely spoke English wouldn't listen and just kept saying 'you big girl, you have fat baby' - I wanted to throttle her! She made me have weekly blood pressure test, monthly scans and glucose tests. I was never away from the hospital and when my daughter arrived she was only 7lbs - exactly the same weight as my eldest and I had been exactly the same weight when both pregnancies started - so annoying!

Sincerely hope you hear very soon, the waiting for a date is all consuming of thoughts, conversations,etc!
I could think of nothing else for months then got a call on the Monday and had my Op on the Saturday!!!

That's exactly how I'm feeling at the moment, it's all I can think about! I know my time will come, I just it was now. That was pretty fast - I'm not prepared if it happens that fast, probably should go shopping. How are you managing with your sleeve? x
I complained to PALS when people were getting dates who were behind me. It made no sense. The lady who triggered my complaint, is now one of my close friends and had her op the day after me.

Really hope you get your date soon without having to be a moaner like me lol xxx