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Had bypass 2 days ago


New Member
Ok so wot Donizetti expect to happen now? I'm so scared I was so emotional last night 1 day post op? Is this normal? How should I feel now? Will I ever eat normal again? Pls help
Your going to feel emotional, you will be able to eat again but your only 1 day out so try and relax and take it day by day xxx hope you feel better soon xx
Some people aren't able to post one day out. Yes it's life changing but itsn't that what you signed up for. Try to read other threads, you will soon see that it's common to feel emotional and what people can eat is different from person to person, but the volume does increase over time. Good Luck!
You're ok, you've had you're procedure and you're on your way. 1st day out I had all sorts of emotions going on, the biggest one being, what the hell have I done!! But as soon as the pounds star dropping off you'll know you've done the right thing. Adjusting to the new way of eating is going to be a challenge and I think the first few weeks are the hardest, but once you get used to it it's all good. Good luck on your journey.
Hang on in there long way to go yet you will be pleased you had it done, what op have you had, its never easy at 1st we always ask wkat have we done its only natural to panic then settle down into a routine xx