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On my way................
Morning all,

My names Mark, I am 21 and from Manchester. I had my bypass on 1st May 2009 and weighed in at 26 stone 2 llbs. I now with 19 stone 2 llbs and have gone from BMI of 47.0 to 34.4 so far.

I have read through alot of your posts before becoming a member and I think the advice and help you all give people both pre and post op is fantastic and I would now like to help others aswell.

I look forward to getting to know you all soon.

Mark xxx
welcome...!! congrats on ur weight loss so far. im 20 from m/cr also going to have band hopefully in next 2 months :) x
Hello Mark,
Welcome to minis and thankyou for sharing your story!!
Well done on your weightloss so far Thats BRILLIANT!!!!
Just look at your BMI I bet your so pleased with yourself.
Well done!!
Welcome Mark! Congratulations on your fantastic weight loss so far! Have you find it ok ? I am still at the waiting stage, GP has secured funding for me but waiting to see him on thursday to see what happens next!
Hi Mark

Welcome to Minis.

How nice of you to want to help others....as your experience will always mirror someone else's and this helps them to realise that they are not alone in this sometimes very difficult journey.

Well done on your fantastic weight loss...you should be proud of yourself.

Hello there Mark, Wellcome!!

So glad things are going well for you, cant wait to read more about you!! :)

welcome to minis, congratulations on your fantastic weight loss so far. I live in Glasgow but i had my op done privately at Spire Manchester by Mr Ammori, in fact i'm back down there on the 30th Sept for my check up. It's lovely to have you on board and nice of you to offer your support too xx
I had my op done by Mr Ammori at the Spire aswell.

I am finding life great since my op. The first few months were the hardest but now lifes amazing.

I still enjoy food and probably enjoy it even more than I did pre op because I eat better foods.

I still drink coffee which I couldnt live without and the odd glass of wine. The only thing that gets to be is all the tablets.

Hi Mark,
I'm very impressed with your weightloss...fab going! I'm 2 weeks post op bypass and so far am finding it ok, I haven't started taking all the tablets yet but like you thats the bit im not looking forward to.. good luck on reaching your goal x
Hi mark and welcome to our gang!!What a great loss already good on you.I can only say that having your surgery so young is the best thing you will EVER do.You know the life you had would of got worse and your health with it.We all know this.I dont think there are many on here who dont consider wls as anything other than an aid to a healthier life.Not many of us go into it thinking "ooh I want to fit in skinny jeans and a bra top!"so Ill have surgery!God help us if we did.Look forward to speaking soon and there are a few of the male persuasion on here too,lovely guys all of them!!(cash to my address lads!!)Maz x
Welcome to Minimims Mark. Fantastic weight loss.
hey mark what a brillaint amount of weight to lose you must feel fantastic .....see you around lol x
Hi and welcome Mark, fantastic progress so far. It just keeps getting better, I promise you. You will get used to the tablets, I actually take less than I did pre-op if you can imagine that! I was able to ditch my diabetes meds, my blood pressure meds & most of my pain meds. It is a joy to know each day I get healthier! Best of luck for the rest your journey. Happy to add you to our little family, your youth and gender add to our under-represented population!

Well done on your fantastic weight loss Mark, keep up the good work and don't be a stranger posting anymore. Welcome x
Hi Mark, welcome to MM's. Good to have another bloke that we pre-opers can call on. Fantastic weightloss so far by the way!