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help 22 days to go


New Member
hi guys
just over 3 weeks intil my band and starting to get worried as not sure if im ready for the after, whats all these protein i should be having ive been hearing about ? where to get from etc ?
just my mind going oveertime i think
Its only natural to feel worried. Stick to your post op eating plan and you will be fine!

Good luck.
Deep breath and think of the benifits.
Protien is only a problem with a bypass, banders avoid that worry xxx
opps i got that wrong :(
Milk is also a very good source of protein. You ll be fine. I love my band and cannot wait for my second fill on Saturday. The thing that calmed me down is reading peoples diary and ask lots of question. Bless Mazza and blue diamond were saint patience with me :) good luck we are all here together xxx
I echo what has been said. Follow the guidance of your provider re what you should eat. I do find the more protein I eat, the fuller I feel, and the quicker I seem to lose weight. My dietician advises, its good to enjoy a wide variety of band friendly food - we are changing our lifestyles and way of thinking ... afterall, it wouldnt be much fun being on a diet for the rest of our lives. Good Luck :grouphugg:
Trust me you will be fine, its just your mind trying to process a million and one things its only natural to worry about what happens after the operation, once you start the post op diet you soon be a dab hand at it, its a real learning curve but for the better and there are plenty of people on here to lend an ear or two if your worried etc, Always follow your providers guidelines and you cant fail to go wrong xxJuliexx