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Hungry after bypass??


New Member
Hi i know this may seem like a daft question but after a bypass do u still feel hunger at all?

i can only say from my experience.i am 8 weeks post op & i don,t feel hunger.i asked my bariatric nurse,if it returned & she said everyone is different.
i personally don't want it to return,but i think its catch 22,because when you aren't hungry,eating doesn't particularly interest you,but you have to eat,for your nutrients,which for me,isn't really enjoyable,but saying that,if we didn't eat at all,then i'm sure we would feel hunger:confused:
Snap I have had no pangs of hunger,or even fancying something.Hubby and son eat roasts etc and I dont give them a second thought,I do all their meals nothing has called my name!
In the first few weeks post-op, our bodies levels of grehlin are altered. See below:

Ghrelin is a hormone produced mainly by P/D1 cells lining the fundus of the human stomach and epsilon cells of the pancreas that stimulates hunger.[1] Ghrelin levels increase before meals and decrease after meals. It is considered the counterpart of the hormone leptin, produced by adipose tissue, which induces satiation when present at higher levels. In some bariatric procedures, the level of ghrelin is reduced in patients, thus causing satiation before it would normally occur.

Your appetite will return in due course and this is when you will need to make an extra effort to make healthy choices.

Our bodies are re-plumbed, but our minds are not, so it is important to recognise that we need to unlearn a lifetime of bad eating habits.
Early post op I didn't get hunger pangs as we experience them pre op. The noises the stomach makes, which is like old hunger pangs, is the food being digested. After about 12mths post op I knew if I hadn't eaten all day as I'd get an ache where my pouch is. It is only now at 2yrs (give or take 3 weeks) that I feel hungry during the daytime.
Snap I have had no pangs of hunger,or even fancying something.Hubby and son eat roasts etc and I dont give them a second thought,I do all their meals nothing has called my name!

isn't it strange,roasts used to be my favourite meal.i had family down last weekend & cooked them lamb & chicken,didn't bother me one bit.they had bacon butties for breakfast,again didn't bother me.if i was on a conventional diet,i wouldv'e been craving them.even the grandchildrens easter eggs,i would normally have replaced,at least a couple of them,but i'm just not interested.
how things have changed:)
tracy x
I didnt feel hungry until about 3 months post op , i do feel it now but not all the time , even so when you eat a little bit your full so i dont think it really matters as long as you make good food choices x
Nearly 3 years post op and genuine hunger is extremely rare, but everyone is different.

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This is all very interesting because I am really worried about "head hunger". I know I am going to be a nightmare to live with if I am craving things I cant have.. I'm sure it will pass though.

Its good to hear so many post op people saying they dont feel much hunger at all.
I'm struggling with head hunger in fact it's making me mad I'm even imagining eating stuff!!!
Thank you all so much i thought it was a daft question but in see a lot of people worry about this as well, can i ask as well is there foods like (roast dinners) that i will never be able to eat again, its my fav meal lol :( :(
There are no foods that I can't eat. I enjoy a roast dinner it's just that my portion size is obviously smaller and it's more about meat being the majority of the meal and the carbs like roast potatoes/Yorkshire puds being the last thing you eat and only a small amount.

Most people find their tastes change considerably post op and so foods you love now might change later.

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Hi Shel,

It's really good to see you posting here again. xx

Head hunger can still be a pain and a bane for some of us; I get it. I just use the distraction techniques like busying myself when bored and not eating and trying to eat fruit instead of biscuits and chocoloate.

Ban them I say!
This is all very interesting because I am really worried about "head hunger". I know I am going to be a nightmare to live with if I am craving things I cant have.. I'm sure it will pass though.

Its good to hear so many post op people saying they dont feel much hunger at all.
Head hunger is very real . . . you still get cravings but they are like the cravings you would have had pre-op when you were full ! Hope that makes sense. You do get hungry but this is soon dealt with a low fat yogurt of rice (which pre-op would not have been the case). Pre-op I am sure we all have many of the same concerns and last minutes thought of “ . . .am I doing the right thing?” Post op it all falls into place – xx
i have to say i don't really feel "hunger" but my brain has got into a new eating timetable (so to speak) so every few hours it hits the "food time" button so i go eat something
Like shell says everybodies different. I do feel hunger now it started about 12 months post op, its not like before and i am easily satisfied x
Kevin you are still very early post op, so getting calories in is not unexpected at your stage.

I do feel hunger, if i haven't eaten for over 5 hours my stomach tells me. However i'm blessed now with the fact that if at work a couple of cups of strong coffee takes the edge away, whereas pre op the coffee's accompanied by a bacon sarnie would have been needed to take the edge away.

Everyone thinks they won't be hungry again, i doubt if anyone will go through the rest of their life been hungry.

What scares me with 'snacking' between meals (and i did it) is that 'snacking' becomes a habit, just like popping to the chocolate machine at 2.30pm was a habit. Sometimes you snack because you can, not because you need too.

Brunetteandred hit the nail on the head, there will come a time when your tool will need you to put some work into it to make it work. At this point you need healthy habits to pull from, so reach for the banana/apple/berries and not the Belvita breakfast biscuits :)

Peace, love and lots of losses to you all xx