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Hi,girls........9 days in on liquid stage,,,,,,3ml in my 10 ml band,,,,,,no sickness just very hungry? I can get my meds down with ease,,,,can I introduce something else now? I'm worried. My stomachs rumbling all the time??? Any suggestions please !!!!!!!! Thanks x:sigh:
I know what you mean about the rumberling mine was the same.

I would wait till 2 weeks as that's the minimum time for all the swelling to go down, I'm going onto my semi solid stage tomorrow once you get the first stage over it flys by so I stick it out as you want to start as u mean to go on xxxx
Thanks Carre,,,I've put you as a friend,but still learning,things,,,I've done 21 posts now so I'll play some more tomoz? Lol good night Hun I'm going to bed now to dream about Lamb chops xxxxxxxxxxxxx
It's probably best to wait to do the full time on each stage to make sure that your pouch has healed properly. Make sure you are drinking enough water not around meal times as that will also fill you up.

I ended up having an extra week on fluids, so with the pre-op it was 5 weeks on milk. Luckily it didn't test my willpower too much as anything that wasn't liquid didn't go down.

Stick with it, long term you'll see the benefits.
on my info sheets it says you can have rusks with skimmed milk have you tried that to see if it fills you a little better? i now different providers give different recommendations but that's what my nurse recommends and if it gets you through to the end of this stage might help x