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If you had your chance again ....


New Member

If you had your time again would you have had the band fitted?

Sorry for making this a band specific thread - although you're welcome to comment if you wish you had something else done.

As I said on another thread if I won £250k on the lotto I'd purchase a house cash, buy a new reliable car and have a gastric sleeve done. I wasn't overly keen on a bypass anyway but the sleeve seemed like the nice fit between the band and bypass. I so wish I had the sleeve done and hadn't had that late night chat with MR khan where he told me he thought I'd do well with a band - I'm doing terribly and it frustrates me a great deal. :mad:
It something I think about when I'm down...I think a bypass would have been easier and maybe if I had known what I know now, I would have tried to get a sleeve on the NHS.
Not much I can gain now by looking back and being regretful.
I have lost weight and I am damn well going to finish this journey and come out the other side.
Thanks Neen.

Unfortunately I think I'm a lost cause where the NHS is concerned. I'm very heavy, but I had trouble months ago. So with the cutbacks under this coalition I think I'll ever ever be able to get anything like that on the NHS - this depresses me. If I won the lotto (£1m) I'd pay for an alternative for you - I don't know you but you are lovely and supportive - that's enough for me. x

Jacob xx
It's an interesting discussion... it also makes me reflect when I think about how at different points in my journey I have moved around from each (band, bypass and sleeve)... it's taken me quite a while to arrive at my decision and it took more than one discussion with the bariatric team.

I think you have been amazing Neen and I don't know in all honesty if I would have done anywhere near as well as you, but it's admirable that you are doing the best with what you have got.

It's a difficult reflection Jacob when a decision is taken as you did and I hope this can soon be sorted for you... I hope you get there, I sincerely do. This journey is difficult enough for anyone embarking and it's a rollercoaster ride at times for sure.

I think the bypass is right for me because of my diabetes and eating patterns...

It's amazing to see Kelly too... who has now arrived at her choice after a huge amount of searching and thought provoking exploration.

For sure it's not easy and thank goodness we can hang onto each other on here for support throughout the ups and downs of wls.

Sending love to each and every one... either pre op, post op or those in between...

Hugs.... Bev xxx

I've been meaning to say this for a while; you've a lovely writing style. I just love reading your posts.

Jacob xx
CC I would go and pursue the NHS route explaining your problems etc...go to a different doc if you need to.
I think it is worth trying if you do feel like you are not getting anywhere.
I know how hard you are trying and you should be getting those results because unlike me, you are giving it your absolute all.

Don't get me wrong, I am totally there for you and I want this to work 100% for you..but if you feel you are knocking yourself out and not getting anywhere then it will not do any harm to go back and explain this to your doc and see what help IS available to you.

All I need to do from this point on is stop with the over-indulgent foods and pull my socks up a bit because I can lose it when I put in consistant effort...I just get derailed by PMT and kid issues.

Get talking to BOSPA in your area darling and the doc as I said. No matter what happens , I am going to try and offer any help and encouragement I can but I think this is an issue you need to get off your chest and explore more until you either find the right combination of food and exercise that makes the band work for you or find an alternative that is do-able.

Bev thank you lovely xxx I think with your health issues ,the bypass is going to be the one that gets you where you need to go and I am so glad you have been able to find this site and take in the info to max the effectiveness of your surgery.
Just crossing fingers that you get it done asap xxx
Well, we are all on here for a good reason and I try to speak from the heart, but with honesty...

Everyone is contributing with individual styles and ideas and it does make compelling reading for me too...

I shall miss you all when I'm back in work again in the new year....

For certain, I would not have had the time to spend on here and it has been a pleasure.

It's also been enlightening and lovely to meet up with people from so many different areas and to see just how much we have in common.

I am forever wanting to thank everyone on this forum for helping me to withstand the pressures of my cancer treatment and consequent recovery, plus going on for necessary weightloss surgery. To be able to help others along the way gives me enormous pleasure, I wish I could do more for everyone.

My thoughts are always to embrace everyone and to try and understand so many varying perspectives... there are some terrific people on this forum.

Love and hugs xxx
Hi Neen,

I've not had the band for a year yet. May be a year from now I'll persue it. It really is hearbreaking exercising like I do and eating relatively well .... 90% of the time .... this week I've been very good and have eaten everything <5% fat. Lets see what this week brings .... I've eaten l=more this week too ;)
I'll miss this forum when I'm back at work too (if I still have a job). x

Beverlie .... are you a journalist?
Haha... no I am not a journalist...

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I think the higher protein is going to work good for you as I have the same problems with wheat as you do....
I am going to let you into a secret.
Last night I plunged into depression and wrote out a draft letter to my GP requesting a referrel for a sleeve.
It's on my desk top waiting...not because I am going to send it, but because I had to get the feelings out and re-reading the letter made me determined not to give up just yet on the band. Almost treating the letter like a life preserver I will hopefully never use....but getting it out and then taking a moment to read it and really think through what I was feeling..that got me back on track and looking forward to trying the RC diet next week and really giving it a chance.
I think it's a good thing that you did that draft Neen... hang onto it and reflect as well as doing your best, as you always do...

It's something you can bring to the fore if it keeps coming back and you know you will have love and support in abundance from us xxx
I hope you get your head round the RC plan Neen, I really respect you for trying so hard and not giving up on the band. Keep going hun, Im sure you will get there XX :D
It's a great things to write things down as we know Neen, if only to yourself for now...

You certainly could write a book for 'banders' I love reading your inspirational and all encouraging posts... I am strong believer in positive thinking and trying at all costs to do what you can for yourself...

If it does not work out... refer back to your script and keep adding to your letter...

I'm off to do my yoga now... but will link in later and put the 'kettle on' if you are around...

Love and hugs Neen... love you very much indeed!

Neen I think you're doing fantastic. You are one of the most inspirational people on this forum. You are always full of support, advice & encouragement!

I hope if you & Jacob do decide to opt for further surgery that it all works out for you both.

When I started this journey I wanted a band. I was disappointed when I was offered the balloon, which they offered not because of my size but they were unsure what would suit my eating habits more. They good thing that came out of my failed balloon insertion was that I was able to speak to 3 people who had just had gastric bypasses.

They told me about their experiences & 2 had been converted to bypass after a band. So when I was eventually offered a bypass I was overjoyed.

My journey has been a long one (nearly 3 years) but I have got what I wanted in the end. What I have written here is only my opinion from my experiences.

Its nearly 4 weeks since my bypass & I have lost a total of 46lb but this includes what I lost on my pre-op diet.

Good luck everyone ;)
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Have enjoyed reading this thread - and think but for my friend Mary on here I too could be in a similar position as Neen and CC.

After seeing a surgeon over a year ago when I decided I was going to have a band he told me that I needed a bypass (and scared me half to death) I left the consultation thinking 'no way'. I decided I could, and would, do this myself. However that never happened - just lack of willpower - and my diet would always start again the next day.

Then I went to see another company - they would give me the band but I had had a few stomach issues (NSAI drug related) that he said may be problematical and why did I not want a bypass! Again I chickened out and came home feeling a bit of a failure.

Mary on here then told me that I should go for the bypass - that she had it and had never been better . . her consultant was positive and although explaining the risks was a necessity he did not scare me at all . . in fact I was then inspired. I had also done a bit more reading up on the band at this point and realisation had dawned that although some people do remarkably well there is still far more hard work and willpower involved than I probably would ever have.

Hence I ended up a bypasser. I genuinely feel that if the first surgeon over a year ago had agreed to a band, I would at this point be looking at how on earth I could afford to change.

I do feel for you banders - all decisions regarding food have almost been taken away from me - and cheating is just not an option. I would never have qualified for surgery on the NHS although I knew that I was really unhealthy and was likely to end up diabetic like my mum.

I admire you both for working so hard to make it work for you but dont rule out asking for that change if it is what you want and need. Can you not now ask for a referral to a hospital in any area of the country?

I admire your honesty regarding your trials with the band and think that your posts will help others making the decision what will work for them.

Whatever you choose to do will be your decision - and whatever it is you both deserve a really successful outcome.
I would have the band again. I have sometimes thought that a sleeve or bypass would have been better for me and my surgeon did suggest it but I didn't want to have a bypass. I'd been waiting 2 years on the NHS and just got to a point where I was desperate. My wonderful OH gave me the money for the band. It's not the easy option I thought it would be and I do still eat crap on occassions (more than I should really) but I would do it again in a heartbeat.