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If you had your chance again ....

Hi all - I think we are never truely happy with what we have. I wanted the band and my consultant talked me into a bypass. However after all the health problems I had and the doctor in Manchester general saying i should never have had the bypass but a band. I have often doubted my choice. I have been left with reactive hypoglycemia which at times is a total nightmare!!!!!!!!! I had an attack last week at school in front of the children and I was shaky and wobbly and it was awful. I often wonder if I would have been better off having the band - dont get me wrong i can do tings i havent been able to do in years and i am becoming fitter every day but I think you always wonder "what if". I hope everyone finds some resolve with what they chose and hopefully will get different surgery if needed and realise that we all feel the same way at times xxx
I wish i was offered a bypass, I wish i would have pushed for a bypass, I am grateful for the opportunity i have been given with my band. xx
I had a bypass 11+weeks ago. Originally I wanted a band, feeling that a bypass was way too drastic. But after researching I was convinced that the bypass was the way to go ad the surgeon agreed and told me a band would not be right for me. I'm glad I didn't get a band.

BUT after major and very horrible complication recently, i am wondering whether I'd have been better with a sleeve. However the surgery i done, I live with my choice and it's consequences. The weight IS coming off. But I am TERRIFIED of further complications and at the moment I feel very ropey and sorry for myself.

Neen - you're a complete inspiration. You work so hard, you've done amazingly well, and you're so kind and generous to everyone else on here. CC - I know you're feeling low, but you are inspirational too. You're working hard and you DESERVE to succeed. If best wishes could make pounds fall off, you'd both be at goal by now. I believe you will get there. But if you're truly unhappy with your choice, then don't rule out a conversion.

first thing, what is reactive hypoclycemia?

CC hopefully you will start to lose weigt soon with the change in your eating habits. but why not just go to the doctors and enquire about a conversion, surely the fact that you paid for your band yourself will go for you, and obviously your funds will only stretch so far, and you have non left, its worth a try. and if he says no, try another doctor. dont give up on it, your worth more than that. hopefully the way your feeling at the moment will pass and you will start to lose very soon. stop talking as through your a failure c os your not, from what ive seen on here, the majority of people with a band are struggling with it, so its not just you. i hope you feel better soon huni, im missing your zany sense of humour. great big hugs n snuggles xxxxxx :flirt2:
When i went for my first appointment with the surgeon i hadn't been on this site long so didn't really know much about the sleeve it was mentioned to me by the surgeon, looking back now i wish i'd known more about it.
I hope people don't judge me for what i'm about to say but if i'm totally honest from the moment i came round in hospital to now just over 5 weeks on not a day has gone by that i'm not filled with regret :cry: i know so many people are on waiting lists & trying to get funding so i feel so guilty feeling the way i do :eek:
Someone asked me today if they was given the chance would i advise them to have it done i said firstly i would never advise someone on this its such a personal choice, but i did say knowing what i know now i would give slimming world/weight watchers etc one last good go!
em do you think you could have stuck it out till the end with slimming clubs?... not a judgement just curious cos i ask myself this but i know i couldnt.......... can i ask why you regret the band to?... sorry if im to nosey xx
Hi Kelly, i know i couldn't have done it as like most of us been there done that!! Lost plenty of weight 8 stone once 10 stone another time but you know the story it all goes back on plus a bit more :mad: But i think what i'm saying is all be it to late now if i'd have known then what i know now i would have tried harder, don't get me wrong i'm sure in 6months time i'll look back at my post & smile (well i hope so!) I am now a bypasser & i DO have to make it work, sorry everyone for being a misery :(
ooo sorry sweets i thought i read in that you were a bander and your a bypasser! sorry lovey........ dont apologise for being a misery we all have days like this im sending you some kelly love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks chick, i just haven't had one day where i've got up & thought wow i feel good today, i've felt sick tired & lots of other things but full of energy & happy NO!! Yes i know its still early days & i'm sure these days will come ;) xx
im very sure they will to, once things settle, and the weights falling off you'll feel like a spring lamb in a field :) xxxxxxxxx
I have thought how life would be if I had taken the option of the bypass to be honest but I always fall back to the fact I had that choice but chose the band for many reasons,, fear being one of those reasons. I am happy with my band but do need to get it sorted so NO I don't think I would change it xxx
hi ,sorry your having probs with your band,i was having probs too,ive had no weightloss this year,and i complained to provider after numerous band fills and no restriction i felt that the band has been a total waste of a year anh a half.After lots of appointments and feeling like a complete failure i am having a bypass,so my advice to you is get on the fone tell them whats been happening, they might help .xxxx
Hey CC, i know I'm a bypasser, but if i had my chance again, I would have tried harder to loose the weight naturally.
I don't regret my bypass at all Its given me a life, but it would have been nice to do it without help xxx
Iv loved reading this, iv been told im having the bypass but if there are complications when operating he will do the sleeve.
I still dont know what the difference is, ok iv seen the diagrams and read up on it, but dont full understand it all.
Will i still lose my hair with the sleeve?
Can anyone tell me a few differences on the bypass and sleeve please.
I might have to put this as a new post xxxx
Hi Andrea, these questions and more have been covered really well by Kelly... if you check back you will find most of the replies she has already had...

Incidentally, I have been told exactly the same, it will be a sleeve or a bypass depending on the day, so we will have a surprise when we wake up... but whatever I have, I shall work with it.

Love and hugs as always Andrea xxx
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If you had your time again would you have had the band fitted?

Hello CC, thanks for writing this post, this has been something I have thought about lately because my weight loss is STILL stalled, Its been almost 14 weeks since I had my band fitted and its been 11 weeks since I lost any weight at all, I know most of you know that in this time I have only had one fill, and had to have my port resighted.

With regards to your questions would I have the band fitted again - In a flash!!! - I was offered the bypass initially and I turned it down, I have lost one stone since my banding op, but I also have NOT gained anything either, and tbh if I hadnt of had this wls done I would have defo gained more weight and then some , that is one thing I am sure of

Before my banding op I was given all the low down and in's and out's of the surgery and I knew this was the slow boat to china road, and I made the decision to go ahead with the band no one else, and not forgetting I am still very early days yet and I am due to have another band fill on the 19th Nov and I will assess things once again after christmas, one thing I have stopped doing is weighing myself daily now:D which has helped my moods and not seeing the scales fluctuate on a daily basis, I didnt really believe it when people sed "chuck/hide the scales away" but I can say I 100% I totally know why now :p:p:p Thanks in advance for reading - MeJulie xx
thanks for some great posts.

It was started out of frustration, jealousy, angst and a large dollop of navel gazing.

It has only highlighted that there are pros and cons to everything and the grass is definately not greener ... just a different hue.

We've got what we've been given so I guess we just crack on with it and make the best of it we can.

BlueDiamond - we'll be OK and you'll start losing soon enough ... 14 weeks isn't so long. xxxxxx Best of luck!
This thread has been very educational. I was wavering over my decision to have a band fitted, however after reading this I now realise that there are downsides to all procedures and it's reinforced my belief that the band is right for me. x