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Info on Dorset?


New Member
Hi, this is my first post here, so am still trying to read up on all I can. I just got this info on my PCT which I presume is Dorset......

Evidence recorded that all non surgical options have been exhausted. NICE Guideline criteria plus evidence that the patient has been actively supported by their GP in the community for at least 3 years.

Could anyone tell me what exactly this part means? "actively supported by their GP in the community for at least 3 years."

Is there anyone here from Dorset who has had surgery funded by the NHS?

Not from Dorset so can't help, but it sounds like they want you to have had GP documented support with your weight for 3 years. So this could be that you've done weight watchers etc (the community element) and your GP knows about it? Not sure sorry!

Welcome to mini's anyway :D