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is anyone unhealthier now from there ops?

so far it is the best decision i ever made to have this surgery :D
Well done Michelle... you look terrific too...

Sending love as always, Bev xxx
I do not for one minute regret having the surgery. For nigh on 30 years I lost and regained literally 100s of stones (11 stone in a year, about 22 years ago). The damage that all that yo-yoing has done to my body is mindboggling.

In addition, my asthma, apnoea, angina, arthritis and extreme high blood pressure were getting totally out of hand. Now I am on fewer asthma meds; apnoea ... gone; arthritis ... I still have flare ups, but that's more to do with cold/damp weather then carrying the extra weight; blood pressure ... normal (I'm down from six different meds a day to only one); angina ... well, it's hard to say as I recently found out that I have to have a valve replacement, but the damage had already been done before the surgery.

What the long term effects of the surgery will be, I have no idea. However, I do feel that I've been given a chance at life, something that I was running out of pre-op.

Regret my op? - for a few minutes in Critical care when I kept sliding down the bed - and I felt a bit rough!!

Now - nearly 2 years later

I've lost more than I could dream I'd lose.

I've had both knees replaced and though they are nowhere near pain free and not what I expected - they don't make the awful noise they did before.

My chronic back pain from an injury in 1983 - still jumops up and bites me when I least expect it - lose wieght and your back pain will disappear they told me - I can vouch for them being liars - though in their defence I do have arthritis now from skull to bum!!

Health - no BP tablets, no cholesterol tablets and from 11 months post-op NO insulin!!

Downsides - the 100gm protein needed for a DS every day, and learning to realise when you feel rough you need a blood test - this time it was being given too much thyroxine and needing a couple of supplement tweaks.

Would I have my op again? - in less than a nanosecond!!

thanks everyone for the replys x
The first few weeks I was like WTF have I done but thats was because I was in shear pain. But now I have no regrets best thing I ever did I no I will never be a size 8 like I was 19 years ago but hopefully I will never be nearly 20 stone again either
can i ask why your bypass was open and not keyhole, is it surgeons choice?
No regrets. Health wise - no diabetes, low chlesterol levels, normal / low blood pressure. High energy levels.
Best thing I have ever done for me and my family. Conerns for the future - only that I dont wake up from this dream to my old 25 stone self!
Just been reading all this great info on post op journeys, and have found it to be so helpful. Thanks Kelly for starting this off.
Its great to hear all the good things that wls can bring to our lives as well as the not so good.

As we all know pre op it is not an easy ride and like all good things in life, like family and friends ect we all have to work at getting good results.

You only get out of something what you put into it.

The benefits we get out of wls with the help we put into it is second to none. xxxx
Less healthy post op? well no I'm far healthier now though my knees hurt more than they did despite weighing 16 stone lighter then I was. :cry: That's of course because post op we can't take the NSAIDS that used to take the pain away.

Spinning helps but if I miss more than a couple of days my knees seize up and the pain still wakes me up every two hours every night.

Other than that I'm in happy land health wise, my diabetes requires no meds, BP meds have gone, no asthma, no sleep apnea, No cellulites, so all in all it would be churlish to moan :D

Regrets? well this might surprise a few of you but yeah I had regrets for a while. Up to eight months out if I could have gone back to how I was I would have done. I think I just missed filling my face with the foods that had got me the size of a baby blue whale, and the rigmarole each day of the almost military operation that is planning your daily intake post op just got me down.

Also despite the advice they give you at the seminars to prepare you for the mental rigors post op, there is no way I was prepared for the changes in my physiology that lead to huge changes in my psychology. I reckon it took nine or ten months for my head to catch up with my body, and even now sometimes I wonder who the chuff is looking back at me in the mirror.

That my knees hurt so much I wanted to curl up and die didn't help either. So yeppers I had big regrets in the first few months. At nine months out my knees settled down a bit, I got used to the daily routine, and it all just clicked into place.

Now I'm at 18 months out and I have not one single regret about having my bypass. My life has changed immeasurably for the better and I love the new me (New? at 48? well hardly but you get my drift :D) I have made some great friends here and all around the world (My mobile phone bill is my only regret LOL :D) some of who I hope will be part of my life forever.

Would I recommend WLS to others? well that's a difficult one, though WLS is an easy way of losing weight, WLS is not a miracle cure, it's a last chance of success. Its an admission of failure and not something to be taken lightly.

I would say do the research and try every possible way of doing it without the procedure before getting cut. Then if you feel it's the right path for you go for it, grab hold of your arse and try to hang on, its a hell of a ride :D:D
haaaa karlos, if i didnt hold this ass it would be like two pigs fighting in a pilllow case haaaaa that was a luffly post, and you have done AMAZINGLY well done you xxx
This is a great thread and it's been brilliant to read your progress Karl...

Great to see such encouragement and enthusiasm... sending love and hugs as always xxx
Im much more healthier this time round losing weight than when I lost it all with Lighter Life and the Cambridge Diet. All right I do have Gall Stones at the moment, but thats due to crash dieting in the past and not my bypass.

Last time I lost weight I ended up in hospital severley dehydrated, I lost 10 times more hair than this time, I had painful and very uncomfortable constipation leading to piles. I had no energy and was always tired.

There was no way I was going to put myself through all that again.

The only side effect I have due to the bypass is the occassional dumping, but part of me needs that, it's what stops me eating the food that I shouldn't.
haaaa karlos, if i didnt hold this ass it would be like two pigs fighting in a pilllow case haaaaa that was a luffly post, and you have done AMAZINGLY well done you xxx

You crease me lady :D:D:D xxx
This is a great thread and it's been brilliant to read your progress Karl...

Great to see such encouragement and enthusiasm... sending love and hugs as always xxx

Hahaha thanks and your avatar makes me smile every time I see it Bev xxx
Haha... I have to put my feet on every now and again to put my best foot forward Karl... or I slip backwards, it's to remind me.

I'll put my pic up now... I did meet you at Salford I'm sure... were you talking on the VIP row a few weeks ago?

Love and hugs xxx
Haha... I have to put my feet on every now and again to put my best foot forward Karl... or I slip backwards, it's to remind me.

I'll put my pic up now... I did meet you at Salford I'm sure... were you talking on the VIP row a few weeks ago?

Love and hugs xxx

Yeah I remember your pretty face now, but VIP row? not when I'm on it it's not LOL :D:D:D

Make sure you say Hi next time OK?
I will for sure Karl and saving a hug for you too..

Great to link in with you on here and keep inspiring us!

You are a remarkable person and so honest about yourself it's so refreshing.

Love and hugs xxx
I will for sure Karl and saving a hug for you too..

Great to link in with you on here and keep inspiring us!

You are a remarkable person and so honest about yourself it's so refreshing.

Love and hugs xxx

It's been a while since I've blushed so much LOL :D Looking forward to seeing you and the others at the next meet xxx