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Is it true or are you pulling my leg?


Six Month Post Op

me and my bf dont use contraception but i know dumb but i always thought because im so big i probably wont get pregnant!(is that stupid)

but yeah does it increase your fetility coz loads of you on here are pregnant lol
ok im not infertile as ive had a baby 4 years ago i just havnt got pregnant in the past 4 years and the doctors and i assumed it was down to my weight im just interested in knowin if your slimmer does it make you more fertile lol
yes as u lose weight ur fertility increases, i was told to go on some form of contraception now and for about a year after my operation, so my body can re adjust. xx
I don't have periods anymore and have been trying to get pregnant for two years with no luck. The doctor reckons it is because of my weight. So if you can't get pregnant because of your weight I would assume that if you lose weight then you'll be able to.
I guess I've been lucky as I have had three babies, all of which were conceived whilst carrying a lot of extra weight! It is different for everyone I suppose.

Good luck to those trying xx
Cuppa xx
Yes! Very true. A 10% reduction in weight doubles an overweight woman's fertility!
aye, there was a study done in 2007, remember reading about it at the time and being shocked that my weight was possibly the reason I couldn't conceive at the time. we tried for over a year and nothing, this time, we stopped not trying if you know what I mean and 3 cycles later I was pregnant.
You know this 10% loss thing? Is that overall weight or excess weight? Coz I'm 15% down on excess and 8% on overall. I better start being careful!! lol

Overall weight.
How long for what? Getting pregnant? I conceived 8 months post op. With hindsight I would have waited a bit longer, as its been a struggle to stop losing weight.
Yes it defo does! Its the sole reason I had the op! You need to defo be using contraception as you are too new post op to be having baba's! :D
if you could see my face right now!!!
ii feel so stupid
i cant get pregnant now (not that i cant) but i CANT no way

omg a week after having it flippin hell im scared now.. doctors monday then im so not risking anythin lol
Okay when i caught for my first child i was about 13st. After having him i went from about 16st up to around the 22st mark. For nine years at this weight i used no contracteption and didnt get pregnant. Then i lost 6 stone and wham pregnant with child number 2. Put all the weight back on with that pregnancy. Then decided almost 12 months later to start shifting the weight again, lost about 2st and wham up the duff, thought i was safe cos i was still big. No way jose!

You make sure he gets an overcoat on and get yourself down the docs for some sort of cover for yourself too hun....

And good luck xxx
Okay when i caught for my first child i was about 13st. After having him i went from about 16st up to around the 22st mark. For nine years at this weight i used no contracteption and didnt get pregnant. Then i lost 6 stone and wham pregnant with child number 2. Put all the weight back on with that pregnancy. Then decided almost 12 months later to start shifting the weight again, lost about 2st and wham up the duff, thought i was safe cos i was still big. No way jose!

You make sure he gets an overcoat on and get yourself down the docs for some sort of cover for yourself too hun....

And good luck xxx
This post made me chuckle.I have'nt heard the saying "up the duff" for years lol.
I'm too old for anymore babies but to those wanting a child I wish you all luckxx