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Loose Skin


I am full of questions today sorry!!

What did you do to help loose skin? I know drinking water will help but any other tips? I think my stomach may be my particular area of damage as I already have a bit of an "apron"
as my surgeon said to member there is casually very little that you can do it depends on skin elasticity and age etc toning exercises can help, but also depends on where, how Nd for how long you've carried the weight. I know already that mine is bad! :(
I am not a bander but I bypasser, I have flabby belly but I swear by spanx style pants, they really keep things in place and help me feel good, got mine off ebay £3.99 a pair!!
Love them.
i am a bypasser not a bander, but loose skin for me thank god hasnt been an issue so far... I think it all depends on age, how long you have been overweight, etc etc..... in the old end still the weight being off is worth a little loose skin surely!!
thanks all

Amanda - completely agree but would like to help it along if I can - what will be will be, as long as I am healthy i can deal with it.
Moisturise, drink plenty and tone where you can. However it will happen. I have to admit that I have been lucky, my overhang is tiny. My arms though...pretty sure i can fly now. and my thighs should never be uncovered in public. But its so much better than being fat.
An apron isn't always for life

I had one pre op, but I don't any more. My stomach is flat as a pancake. But I do have a bit of spare skin on my inner thighs and upper arms, and a bit of a saggy ass. Better that than 153lbs of excess fat though :) as the ladies said, I don't think you can influence totally whether or not you are left with loose skin, no amount of working out can get rid of the spare skin if there's no muscle in there to assist the toning.