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Low sugar


New Member
Hello all, has anyone had problems of feeling as if their sugar levels are low whilst a strict restriction? If so what healthy ways have people got around this? Thanks
i haven't experienced this thus far as I am only beginning to get a little restriction 6 months in - do you feel as if you're encountering this and have you spoken to your provider or gp?
It's only been this fill that I can hardly eat anything which is great apart from the need of sugar! Haven't spoke to provider! It's been fine because I've had chocolate which melts or a sugary coffee but wanted a healthy alternative!
For a healthy alternative you could eat sweeter fruits like grapes, bananas, mango and pineapple with yogurt. It's nice to sprinkle some granola on it too. There's plenty of natural sugar in fruit.

Or you could make a smoothie out of fruit and vanilla pouring yogurt. They are really yummy :)
fruit is a good one. I get my sweet kick from having a mug of options hot chocolate, normally the white choc one as it is sweeter.

Do be careful if you can hardly eat anything take it easier and speak to your provider- could be that the band is potentially too tight . . .
I've got every flavour of options LOL but the white one is my favourite. it really helps and its quite filling too, so I save it for mid evening which is when I would normally "graze" :)
if you do feel you want a bit of a treat, get a can of reduced fat/cal squirty cream and put a bit on top of your hot choc . . .:D