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NHS Funding for Surgery - Where To Start?

Hello all im new here. Im also in the same position as some of you. I was attending Dr Ramtoolas weight management clinic at Salford Royal for just over 6 months and 2 days ago she advised me she is applying for funding to get gastric bypass or Sleeve. as my BMI was 46.5 Does it take long in manchester/ Salford to get funding? Ive already done a sleep test, heart test, blood tests etc when i started at this clinic will i have to go through them all again? Im a terrible worrier and just hope it doesnt take too long. She didnt tell me much but to be honest i was so exstatic that she said this to me i cant remember half of what she said apart from go onto BOSPA website and go to group meetings. I was so excited i forgot to check out where and when the next meeting at Salford was could you let me know as i really would like to come and bring my husband with me who wants to find out a bit more. Its nice to see im not the only one in this predicament. Will look forward to meeting some of you at the next meeting.

I was over the moon yesterday - my lifestyle change clinic have agreed to refer me to Medway PCT.... the lady has told me I am almost guarenteed of funding as I am attending the clinic! - I burst in to tears! ;-)
Hi Alex Im at Salford also. I got funding in December but to be honest I cant say how long it took as my GP messed mine up and it took ages. I think it is normaly pretty quick. You wont need to do all your tests again. The next thing I think you will get is an appointment for the one stop clinic which is what I got for 6th May. The bariatric services nurse will probably send you a letter detailing the meetings. The next one is 7/4/2010. Hope this helps, you can ask me anything and I will try and help if I can. Waiting seems to be name of the game lol. x
hi i am new to this site. i live in SW Essex pct and have recently been turned down for surgery. my bmi is 40.8 but sw essex do not follow nice guidelines. my doctor has told me to forget it but i suffer with depression and anxiety and my weight is making me worse. i have constant lower back pain, am tired all the time, and get breathless just walking up stairs. i went to appeal and was turned down again. my doctor is not supportive. any ideas where i should go from here.
Hi Sherrie, do you have, diabetes or sleep apnoea, get tested for both if you don't know, that'll help you get the surgery..I know it's hard but it's a long ole journey this wlsurgery, good luck and welcome to the site, Jan
If you are new to seeking surgery on the NHS, there are a few bits of information that you might find useful.

Firstly, you need to know which PCT (Primary Care Trust) you come under. If you are not sure, call your GP's surgery and ask.

If you are in England, most of the PCT's are listed on the BOSPA website. http://www.bospa.org/information.aspx?page=46

Most PCT's follow NICE guidelines, which are as follows -



BMI of 40 or above, or 35 - 40 with co-morbidities.

To calculate your BMI, you can visit the NHS Calculator. http://www.nhs.uk/Tools/Pages/Health...ator.aspx?Tag=

If you think you qualify, the first place to start is to visit your GP and ask to be referred for funding. If you are unsure, you can contact your local PCT (google PCT and Name to find website) or local PALS office (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) and ask for clarification on your PCT's referral criteria. These contacts can also be used to clarify the referral process if your GP is unsure/unhelpful.

From there on, all PCTs operate differently. Some will require referral to a surgeon for assessment for suitability prior to funding application, some will require referral to a weight management service or bariatric co-ordinator, and some will require the GP to apply for funding first.

When funding is applied for, it will be considered by a panel as part of the PCT.

The process from GP to surgery varies hugely from one PCT to another, and the timescale can take anything from 2 months to 2 years, or longer.

You can read people's stories in the surgery diaries which form part of this section, but please try not to compare of be put off by those who have had lengthy battles or refusals for funding, as every case is treated differently.
I have received a letter to say that my funding has been approved and I have been referred to Dr. Ammori's clinic at the Royal Salford Hospital. Would anyone have any idea about waiting times and what to expect in the early days... thank you for any help... Bev
i live in durham and im overweight etc and my GP referred me to the PCT i was accepted within a week and got a letter saying funding has been given , i think ive been really lucky to get funding so quick.
Popping this in here, so I can find it again lol. There is some really useful info on bands and bypass, including which surgery is right for me, at Bariatric (weight loss) surgery