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not a happy bunny


New Member
im very unhappy still no weight loss since june 2013, and i just can not get going with this band i dont feel full i try hard to eat what im supose to eat and not what im not supose to eat but its not working for me, i just dont know what to do its lot of money to to pay for somthing i cant seem to work with, i supose its my fault i try to eat the right things but but i can not stick to it and find it hard to find things i like that i can eat, the thg group are no help to me at all im not sure what to do:break_diet::wave_cry:
i try to eat the right things but but i can not stick to it

This isn't meant to sound blunt, but there in lies your answer. You try to eat the right things but cannot stick to it - if you can't then it won't work.

We've suggested to you on other threads things to try, changes that you can implement in terms of changing protein and carb levels - you've never said whether you've tried any of them. But, the band is only a tool to aid weight loss, it isn't the answer, it's not working for you because as you say, you're not working with it in terms of what you are eating.

The answer comes in US making the changes to make the band work, not from the band itself. And if you're not able to continue to make those changes then the band won't work, except its not the band that isn't working, it's you that isn't working with the band.

It isn't an easy option and maybe you weren't given the proper advice with regards to your eating before having a band fitted. But you need to make THG listen. You need to get them to review your fills, make sure that they are working to find restriction and working with you and the foods that you eat.

Unfortunately, it isn't a quick fix. I'm 16 months post band op next week and I still do not have restriction from my band, but I follow the guidelines because even without that and even with constant hunger I am determined to make it work.

Go back to THG, make them listen. But you have to be prepared to make the changes to your eating, to the foods you eat, because otherwise you will never get the results that you're looking for.
Couldn't agree more with topkat's advice. The band is just a tool to help you make the right choices with what you eat. I was banded a month before you but still have no restriction so in theory I can eat whatever I want, but, and it's a big but, the cost of surgery was a big deal for me and I know we could have found plenty of things to do with the money other than spend it on WLS, so I'm damn sure I'm not going give up, I simply can't afford to waste that sort of money. Until I have some restriction I will continue to use the psychological power of the band.
You can do this if you really want to! Maybe you need to talk to THG about fills as tk suggests but you haven't wasted your money, the band is in place, and you need to go back to basics.
None of us are good all the time, I have just had a long weekend away and put on 6 lbs in four days by taking my eye off the ball, so now I have to knuckle down again.
Well said Slaz and TK...
Im struggling at moment I have lost quite a bit of weight since my op in Oct but I too am losing weight very slowly...But I will NOT give in I am working with my band and now doing a hours walking everyday...
You have to try hard to get results ..all be it in my case a little slow :)
I agree, pick up the phone and speak to your dietician. THG offer aftercare ... Mine was fab, but I can understand how you feel if you have been let down. why specifically do you say they are no help? Have they failed totally to give you answers/suggestions/fills? You have to be honest with them and yourself ... And if you are having no response from them, demand it. But if they are making suggestions, but you just feel they don't understand your situation, that's different. If you are choosing not to follow the rules, you need to get to the root cause of why so you can understand what to do about it. Why are you eating foods you don't like. No wonder you are feeling disheartened... All pain, and no losses :( It is definitely a tool that needs to be worked with ... But there are lots of people who it can be successful for, if they see it as backup rather than the whole answer. Are there no band friendly foods you do enjoy that you can get creative with to keep things new/exciting? Maybe just take a step back to reflect, get your positive head back on, go back to basics, set yourself some mini goals ... Either weight loss or non-scale victories, and then start moving forwards again ... Don't leave it till after Christmas ... Come on, you can do it! :) x
There is a dietician at THG called Jodie, I think she works at Bromsgrove but you can have a telephone appointment. Although a face to face is far more effective. She is fab, shes tough but fab and maybe at this point in your journey tough love might be what you need.
Be honest with her in terms of what your eating. To be fair she will see straight thru it if your not anyway.
You have to phone you have spent a lot of money and you need to help yourself now.

I have had weeks where ive eaten pure junk, too much and too often. Im sure if we were all honest thats the way some weeks are. After all we are all over weight for a reason!

BUT I had 3 weeks not losing and I keep a food diary so one night I sat and worked out how many calories I had had. I worked out Carbs, protein everything. I even looked at what I had drank (remember even J20, fruit juice, flattened fizzy drinks all have a calorie content, milk, coffee with a sugar etc etc etc)
I was shocked when I added the figures up, I felt I had eaten small amounts but I had eaten all the wrong things. I had sat and moaned for 3 weeks complaining that the band wasn't working. It was all me and what I had put in my mouth. So I had some great advice off the wonderful ladies on here and off THG. The following week I stuck to it and guess what..... lost 5lbs!!
I know its hard to accept and im not trying to upset you or be harsh. Your brave to be on here posting your post, your brave to have gone thru your surgery. Its not the band not working for you, its what your putting in your mouth. It has to be because its a simple fact of life, too many calories not enough exercise = no weight loss.
Go back to basics, phone THG make an appointment for the dietician and a fill, maybe think about WW or slimming world. How can we help you? How about we all add a post saying what we have eaten the previous day? might give you some new food ideas?
My mother in law makes me eat peas I hate them.. her answer well it all does a little job haha. Right now I want to be slim I want a baby. Food now is fuel I eat what I have to, I dont always enjoy it, I try and find ways of enjoying it but I paid 5000 for my band and this for me has to work.
If you try and you start to loose even 0.5 lb a week it will give you the motivation you need to work harder.
Someone at THG said to me "nothing tastes like skinny feels" and it true when I bought a size 16 top yesterday I sat and cried in my car. Its not about how I look Im working towards a new life and every day im getting that bit closer. You had your band to make your new life please dont stand in its way. Thats all your doing right now your standing in your own way. You have had no weight loss in 6 months. If you had tried eating better realistically you could have lost 3lbs a month and you would be 18lbs lighter today. Thats a dress size. Even if you had a slow loss it could be 6lbs. I am the same height as you. I was 17s 8lbs when I started my journey I didnt get to that weight by accident. I ate my way there and its taken me a while to get my head round that but its true.

Big hugs start a fresh its a new year, a new you and you deserve the successxxx
Unfortunatly you are experincing the reality of weight loss, regardless of the tools you have for assistance the weight will only fall off when you make the right food choices.

The band is a fantastic weight loss tool, but I think it often leads us into a false security that assumes that as long as its there the weight will fall off. But as you are now experincing that is not the case.

For sure have a consultation with your nutritionist and get a understanding of what you should be eating. But the harsh reality is that until you gain the willpower to eat cleanly you are unlikely to get the results you want. And you are not alone in this endeavour, everyday I struggle to eat better, especially as I could easily survive on crisps, chocolate and coke and not eat any real food.

Good luck with it, dig deep for the willpower and don't doubt yourself because you can do it.

This isn't meant to sound blunt, but there in lies your answer. You try to eat the right things but cannot stick to it - if you can't then it won't work.

We've suggested to you on other threads things to try, changes that you can implement in terms of changing protein and carb levels - you've never said whether you've tried any of them. But, the band is only a tool to aid weight loss, it isn't the answer, it's not working for you because as you say, you're not working with it in terms of what you are eating.

The answer comes in US making the changes to make the band work, not from the band itself. And if you're not able to continue to make those changes then the band won't work, except its not the band that isn't working, it's you that isn't working with the band.

It isn't an easy option and maybe you weren't given the proper advice with regards to your eating before having a band fitted. But you need to make THG listen. You need to get them to review your fills, make sure that they are working to find restriction and working with you and the foods that you eat.

Unfortunately, it isn't a quick fix. I'm 16 months post band op next week and I still do not have restriction from my band, but I follow the guidelines because even without that and even with constant hunger I am determined to make it work.

Go back to THG, make them listen. But you have to be prepared to make the changes to your eating, to the foods you eat, because otherwise you will never get the results that you're looking for.
ive been to see the dietition face to face, seems i had to much in my band so took some out this was 6/01/13 gave me a lot of ideas, as have you and its all been good, its true i have not been working with the band but was expecting the band to work for me, this is a new start for me and my band im on fluids for two days now then soft for two days, im feeling very positive now and this is going to work or should i say i am going to work this band, thanks for all advice
Well done hun! I'm so glad you've been to see them. From what you were saying it seemed as if you'd not had much interaction or support from your provider and its a common thought that the band being really tight and having lots of fills = weight loss. But it doesn't at all.

I think also, people do think that the band will do the work for them and I think that providers can be at fault for really not making it clear that the band is only a tool to aid weight loss and isn't the answer to it all. It takes a LOT of hard work and a LOT of will power, but also support.

Its great to hear you sounding positive. Keep working with it, log your food and exercise, and maybe even keep a journal or diary as well, log your measurements as these can change even when our weight drops.

But YAY! Go you :)
Excellent news. Seeing the dietician face to face is so worthwhile, and you have unlimited dietician support for 2 years so make the most of it! x