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OMG!!!!! Bypass tomorrow!!!!


New Member
I am completely scared out of my mind.

Going in tomorrow morning at 7am and already petrified!!!!

Also, Whittington support group tonight if anyone is interested by the way!
good luck Amy .......kath
Thanks Kath x
Try to focus on the new slimmer you which is past the surgery, that was how I coped with the fear! Lots of luck tomorrow. I hope you have a speedy recovery!

Good luck! Soon you will be on the losing side and very slim.
wow not long now be excited, nerves are natural but think how long the waiting is and why you want it xxx a new you from tomorrow you must be so thrilled xxx
All the very best of luck for you bypass tomorrow and wishing you a super speedy recovery.
can't wait to hear all about your journey.

Everyone gets scared just before, it's a big turning point in your life, I remember crying panicking and feeling excited all at the same time. I kept thinking about the eventual outcome of being around longer for my kids, getting into my dream wedding dress , all the reasons I chose to have surgery..not letting life whizz by and regret not living it to the full as the optimal slim me..well you get the picture :) You'll be fine , we'll be rooting for you and looking forward to when you come back and let us know how it all went.
Take care and good luck from me
How exciting. Not long now before you join us on the losing bench.

Good luck for tomorrow and hope you manage a good nights sleep tonight.


You will be fine and back on here before you know it. We will all be thinking of you.
Hun good luck hun and hope u have a speedy recovery, hun the Whit support group i think is not on this month as Kirstein is on her hols, do u have heath or Sufi xxxx
Hun just looked in my leaflet i got from Kirstein and August meeting is cancelled due to her hols, not sure if its a diff meeting but i think its the same one.
Not long to go girl wow looking forward to reading all bout it soon and hope u have a speedy pain free recovery xxxx