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I'm sure you will get sorted out ... its all a balancing act, and in a way we are relearning how to eat like little babies who are weaning! except we are more cute of course! x
I'm sure you will get sorted out ... its all a balancing act, and in a way we are relearning how to eat like little babies who are weaning! except we are more cute of course! x

Lol Witchin your absolutely right.. I'm in the waiting room now waiting to see the surgeon lets see how this goes I had to write things down to remember what I wanted to ask... Note to self grits almost killed me, laxatives,gallstone pills and last but certainly not least I want to eat FRUIT!!!!
I have an announcement ... Today is Week 6, Day 2 post bypass. Yesterday (and today, so far) I have not thrown-up, as have done every day since starting solids last week. Hurrah!

Had lunch with a couple of friends today, and altho I was a bit anxious in case (!) I ordered the most sensible option from a limited menu which was an egg mayo and watercress sarnie which came with a bit of garish and a tiny handful of crinkle crisps. I ate the sarnie minus the crusts, half a cherry tomato from the garish (bit worried about the skin), and all the chippies!! It took me ages but how normal did I feel. Peeps - there is light at the end of the (interminable weeks of LSD, postop fluids and purees) tunnel! xxx
Gosh you are brave, eating egg mayo and crisps... Haven't even tried that yet and I am 14 weeks out. Glad you felt good though.
I have an announcement ... Today is Week 6, Day 2 post bypass. Yesterday (and today, so far) I have not thrown-up, as have done every day since starting solids last week. Hurrah!

Had lunch with a couple of friends today, and altho I was a bit anxious in case (!) I ordered the most sensible option from a limited menu which was an egg mayo and watercress sarnie which came with a bit of garish and a tiny handful of crinkle crisps. I ate the sarnie minus the crusts, half a cherry tomato from the garish (bit worried about the skin), and all the chippies!! It took me ages but how normal did I feel. Peeps - there is light at the end of the (interminable weeks of LSD, postop fluids and purees) tunnel! xxx

Wow Lilac that sounds like a real meal finally can't wait to get there have alot to report I'll keep u posted gotta get home first lol
Gosh you are brave, eating egg mayo and crisps... Haven't even tried that yet and I am 14 weeks out. Glad you felt good though.

They're not foods I'd want to eat regularly but I reckon it's wise to try things in certain situations so we know for next time. Yeah, it was good x
I read that pineapple juice helps breaking down the enzymes in other foods, and did do that when I got stuck a few weeks back, but I can't tell you whether it helped or whether the blockage just went of its own accord eventually. May be worth a try anyway, just in case!

Hope you feel better soon. :)
Hey Drod, you home yet? Can't wait to hear how your audience with your surgeon went? I had my post-op check with mine on Monday. He was pleased, my bloods were ok, and he reminded me yet again of the rule of 'granny's teaplate' ;-)
Haha. I thought that as I was typing ... Like WLS, i thought that was a boyband from SE London ... x

Ok ready for my full report.. LOL first off my dr's fill in since my dr went on vacation was very helpful.. 1. On my list I told her about the grits issue and how I felt like I had a blockage she told me to water them down more next time but not to worry about it next time call the office if I feel that I have a blockage again.. 2. Laxatives I asked her if it was ok to take them since I've always had issues with my bowels she said it was ok but I should use milk of magnesia or miralax which I have neither so I will use what I regularly use with is a natural pill. 3. Can I eat fresh fruit she said in week 4 I can but if I do want to eat fruit it should be of soft texture like a banana something I can smash like a peach. 4. The gallstone pills to prevent gallstones they no longer give those pills so I have to wait and see if I get gallstones then we'll go from there other than that they removed my strips on my incisions.. I start taking my vitamins tomorrow and she told me to drink more liquids because I'm not drinking enough and going to the bathroom enough I should be going at least 5 times a day. She afraid I will get dehydrated do I need to stick with the fluids even if I feel full she said sip throughout the day.. So other than that all went well my next apt is in 3 wks..
Excellent. I sense you are feeling pretty positive Drod! I would be. Every day it gets easier. I could do with drinking more - you have inspired me. Take care hun xx
Excellent. I sense you are feeling pretty positive Drod! I would be. Every day it gets easier. I could do with drinking more - you have inspired me. Take care hun xx

Anytime Lilac I look forward to sharing more stories with you and keeping in touch this forum has helped me in so many ways you can just imagine. I am going to continue getting advice from all of you and asking millions of questions like they say there's no such thing as a dumb question!!! Thank you all for sharing and listening I truly appreciate it..
Likewise hunni bunni. We're all in this together! We are all the same, but also each of us is unique. awesome!

Off to land of nod now - 11pm in UK. Seem to have spent most of today on this forum ... I love it, and an added benefit is I'm not spending my hard-earned on Candy Crush


Likewise hunni bunni. We're all in this together! We are all the same, but also each of us is unique. awesome!

Off to land of nod now - 11pm in UK. Seem to have spent most of today on this forum ... I love it, and an added benefit is I'm not spending my hard-earned on Candy Crush



LOL.. Candy crush is an addiction been stuck on level 161 for over a month.. It's 7 pm over here watching Family Feud now but that time difference is crazy but it makes perfect sense I wonder if you came to the states you could get use to the time difference and if I went over there I could get use to that time.. Lol just a thought
I ate the sarnie minus the crusts, half a cherry tomato from the garish (bit worried about the skin), and all the chippies!! It took me ages but how normal did I feel.

Lilac, can I ask how much of the sandwich you had, was it one slice of bread, or two, with the filling?

I ask as I saw my resourceful dietician the other day and he said in 6 months I should be able to eat 1/2 of a single slice of bread sandwich with tuna & sweetcorn (yuk!) and be full to bursting.

I'm just moving onto 'food' 13 weeks post-op due to problems and can eat less than a flea :D. A sandwich seems light years away :confused:
Lilac, can I ask how much of the sandwich you had, was it one slice of bread, or two, with the filling?

I ask as I saw my resourceful dietician the other day and he said in 6 months I should be able to eat 1/2 of a single slice of bread sandwich with tuna & sweetcorn (yuk!) and be full to bursting.

I'm just moving onto 'food' 13 weeks post-op due to problems and can eat less than a flea :D. A sandwich seems light years away :confused:

Jemima - it was a regular full round ie two pieces of wholemeal, with the crusts taken off so four v small triangles. I ate each in three parts, starting with the rather sparce egg fillings (v little mayo TBH) then nibbling the bread. It took ages (but it should do) and I couldn't have eaten it in the normal way by biting into the triangle as the mouthful would have been too big. It was satisfying, and I didn't feel over full.

I've been having a slice of Nimble toast without crusts as a breakfast option for over two weeks now.

The thought of a Tuna sandwich makes me want to heave. What a curious choice to be advised!? Must be related to the fat maybe? xx
Jemima - it was a regular full round ie two pieces of wholemeal, with the crusts taken off so four v small triangles. I ate each in three parts, starting with the rather sparce egg fillings (v little mayo TBH) then nibbling the bread. It took ages (but it should do) and I couldn't have eaten it in the normal way by biting into the triangle as the mouthful would have been too big. It was satisfying, and I didn't feel over full.

I've been having a slice of Nimble toast without crusts as a breakfast option for over two weeks now.

The thought of a Tuna sandwich makes me want to heave. What a curious choice to be advised!? Must be related to the fat maybe? xx

Actually tuna is high in protein but v filling.
Still on purees - tuna sandwich sounds like a dream!!