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OT face cream


SOOO HAPPY to be a loser!
Im starting to look after my skin more and looking for a face moisturising cream. there are sooo many to choose from, just wondered what you all use?
I use Oriflame for the over 40's. Its lovely and creamy and firms the wrinkles. It is actually working so I'm going to continue with it. I've tried loads of different ones and spent a fortune but feel this is the best one for my skin.x
Depends what your skin type is - I have very dry & sensitive skin (its a curse of being a red-head) so use the Body Shop extra thick creams for dry / extra dry skin and they work a treat. I have to be careful with shower gels etc and body cream so again have to go for pots of thick cream as opposed to bottles. Which did an anti-aging skin cream test thingummy recently and Simple came out above all the comparitive expensive brands if that is any help?
you cant go wrong with the good old fashioned olay or nivea. my nan swore by these and she died at the grand age of 84 and was virtualy wrinkle free. :p
I'm using this one from The Sanctuary.

Everyone keeps commenting on how healthy I am looking and how nice my skin is so it must be working.

Rich Rejuvenating Moisturiser SPF15, The Sanctuary Skin Care

The blurb is:-

This richly nourishing easily absorbed SPF15 cream helps to prevent against UV sun damage and combines a calming blend of essential oils and a hydrating cocktail of organic Beeswax, Jojoba Oil, Shea Butter and Coconut Oil with Royal Jelly and Honey, to moisturise and plump the skin.

Seaweed Extract and Vitamin E help prevent premature skin ageing and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Perfect for drier skins as a rich, daily moisturiser.
Im old fashioned and use Olay and not the expensive one lol. I have been told that the cream from Aldi is one of the best and they said that on one of the beauty programs as well

I use Clinique, dramatically different moisuriser for dry skin. It has factor 15 protection too which is good for my fair skin. Been using it for years now.

Maz x
thanks everyone for your replies
Im old fashioned and use Olay and not the expensive one lol. I have been told that the cream from Aldi is one of the best and they said that on one of the beauty programs as well

I was just about to say about the Aldi one. I use the night cream and the day cream 2 after a bath. 'Siana Nourishing' :)
Deffo the cream from Aldi!!Day cream,night cream and a huge skin firming pump bottle of body lotion called Lacura Q10 500mls,plus change from a tenner!Lovely silky feel,soaks in well not greasy.