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Please Tell Me...

I've lost nearly 6 stone in 16 weeks Mrs Q. I've never been able to stick to a plan for more than 6-8 weeks before and have lost 2 stone time and time again. And put it on of course. I'd be lying to say it's easy. I get sick, I get a nasty pain and I get tired. But I also have more energy most of the time, take a pride in myself, want to go out places, have confidence, smile ,laugh and enjoy my life more. It's early days yet but so farI'm sure I've done the right thing.
It's a good job the weighting lists are long- we all need lots of time to think it all through and do our research. It's a big decision and life will never be the same again. Just do whats right for you hun xx
Having my bypass was the best decision of my adult life!! I have lost 5st and 2lb in just 16 short weeks. This last week I have lost a whopping 6lb!!! I have gone from a size 32-34 to a 24. I can put my own socks and shoes on! I can climb the stairs without nearly passing out! I can get in and out of the bath with ease! (the list is getting longer and longer as the weeks pass)

Believe me I had the wobbles for weeks before my surgery and even wanted to cancel 2 days before, but it really is an amazing opportunity!!!

I am the bypass advocate!! :D
No regrets whatsoever , I had a bit of a wobble afterwards (I had to have 2 stretches ) but 6 and a half months down the line and I have lost 8 stone 10 lbs( a whole person ) I have more confidence than I could ever imagine and people look at me and not just because they think I am a freak.
Oh where to start - I am told I had a rough ride I am told I nearly died My surgeon smiles at me and constantly says "You survived to tell your story" I HAVE NO REGRETS AT ALL loving my bypass and my new life When the going gets tough the tough get tougher!
Miss Tickle said:
I've lost nearly 6 stone in 16 weeks Mrs Q. I've never been able to stick to a plan for more than 6-8 weeks before and have lost 2 stone time and time again. And put it on of course. I'd be lying to say it's easy. I get sick, I get a nasty pain and I get tired. But I also have more energy most of the time, take a pride in myself, want to go out places, have confidence, smile ,laugh and enjoy my life more. It's early days yet but so farI'm sure I've done the right thing.
It's a good job the weighting lists are long- we all need lots of time to think it all through and do our research. It's a big decision and life will never be the same again. Just do whats right for you hun xx

That's amazing 6 stone in 16 weeks should be proud me still waiting for pre op letters well done
No regret, best things less joint pain. The kids at work who have only ever known me fat who have done double takes & called it wow miss you look great or not believed it was me. All those wonderful compliments about the new me even with another 4+ stone to go.
You will get the best support here all people will tell you the truth and everyone is going or has allready been threw all the feelings you currently have. Personally it's the best thing I've ever done. I was 24.7 when I went in for my op and a size 32-34. Now 8 months later iam 15.8 and a size 18-20. The only worry I ever have is keep thinking it's going to stop as it's just too good to be true. Last week was the first week I've never lost weight but it's scales day tommorow so hopefully I will hav lost.
I've had a number of long term post op complications. Firstly I have chronic malabsorption which means I have to eat around 3-4 times as much as the average bypasser just to maintain my weight. I'm 3.5 years post op and been told as it's not changed by now it will always be like this. Also I developed reactive hypoglycaemia, which causes random blood sugar plummets. I wasn't diabetic etc pre-op. I carry glucogel or dextrose tablets with me to stave off an attack. I also developed allergies to penicillin and codeine post op.

However, even with all these complications I have no regrets and would do it all over again. I'm a normal healthy weight, which has reduced some of my illnesses, for example my kidney function is normal for the first time since I was 13. Losing weight restored my fertility, allowing me to have Charlie 1.5 years post op, after trying unsuccessfully for a long time pre-op.

My only regret? Not doing it sooner.

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Everyday is a blessing.

It's the little things that give me encouragement....like being able to bend down and tie my shoes laces, without having to lean against the wall for support.

Being able to walk long distances without having breathing difficulties - that feels weird!!