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Professor favratti

jelly bean

New Member
Hi. I am now considering professor favratti and the single incision lap band has any one got any experience of him or that procedure. Also the healthier weight group? Any tips on how to use the forum on an iPad. Never used a forum before and not a clue.
Question one - sorry, never heard of him but I do have a lapband.

Question two - no experience of healthier weight either, sorry.

Question three - have a look in the forum technical support section but you won't get as much functionality on an ipad, or access to the whole forum until you have more than 50 posts.

My tips would be to browse the current posts but also look through the threads in the band section for more specific band support.

Good luck! x
Owww Im interested what a single incision gastric band is???
I got single incision by Sigurdsson. Works well and not too much pain after op, but when I got into target weight port sticked out.
It was put below my ribcage during a Tummy Tuck. It is fine now, but obviously I will have a svar now if it has to be removed. Also, had difficulty in finding a surgeon who would do Tummy Tuck AND move my port.
Good luck.
By the way Sigurdsson is much cheaper, but favretti also good.
Ameet patel has his own company and does sils cheaper than hw.
i had my band with healthier weight but with mr super. I have met the Professor but I didn't want to pay the additional cost.

There is one member here who had a single incision with him and via HW and she's doing great, HW have been great, not the cheapest but their after care has been great, as was pre and during op. I cannot recommend them enough. I'm approaching 16 months and am just short of an 11 stone loss :)

I access the forum on an iPad but I do so via safari browser and just access it normally rather than the ap, it's much easier

LuLuXO is the member I mention above, I will message her onFB and ask her to check out this thread :)
Hello there and welcome:)

I had a gastric band via SILS with prof faveretti in Jan this year and have now lost 6 stone. At the time I had it done, there was a deal where I could upgrade to SILS for free so I decided to go for it. At first the idea of having my belly button cut open made me squirm but after thinking about the pros of less healing time, less pain and no scars, I decided to go for it and have been very pleased!
I felt no pain from the incision but I do have to admit that it got wet by accident and then got slightly infected. This was totally minor and I was advised by healthier weight to take augmenting antibiotics which basically fixed me up right away. I wouldn't let that put you off as it really wasn't anything big or that problematic. Obviously you should do what's right for you and what you feel but I cant praise healthier weight enough- they really are great and faveretti is an absolute pro. Hes the best out there! HW really do care about their patients and make sure you are supported and safe throughout. I was very nervous when i got mine done and researched into all providers and found that HW sounded the most reliable and safe which was the deciding factor for me. Im only 25 so this band is going to be in me for a long time and wanted to make sure it was done properly!!
Hope this has been useful to you and good luck! let us know how you get on Xxx
I got it done at the spire hospital in Birmingham Solihull and I think it was £7995 including unlimited fills and after care in case anything goes wrong for two years after the op x
I had a single incision procedure done by Dr Patel (NHS), because I am prone to keloid scaring he decided it would be better to reduce the incision sites. I now have a single scar about 2 inches wide.

If given the option I would advice anyone to have it. The post op recovery was fine and I was up and about in a day.