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scar leakage


New Member
I am 10 days post op and my scar is still leaking. I went o the Hosp on the sat following surgery and was told that I had to use steratrips and keep covered for another couple of days. On Tues day this week it was still leaking so visited my own drs where the nurse told me that it was not infected but still keep it clean n covered.Should I phone the ward and ask them to check for me?
if your doc has said its ok then its ok hun... sometimes they can take longer to heal... but if it is making you anxious then see if the hospital will have a look just so you have peace of mind... your always entitled to a second opinion xxx
thanks Rayne, I know I should'nt worry as my husband has had more surgeries than I have hot dinners and even hes it is ok and it is normal for some scars to leak days after surgery
ive had exactly the same thing...im 3 weeks post op....ive stil got a dressing on 2 of them that seem 2 seep.....its not angry red so told no infection unless it is red n very sore!