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Shopping list for hospital


New Member
Hi guys could you give me a list of things I might need for after op? Going shopping this week for my bits and bobs so a wee list would be a great help. Thanks chums xxx
Hiya, I've started getting my stuff together even though it's three week till my op.
For hospital I have:
Light weight cotton nightie & dressing gown set (off ebay- size bigger than usual)
Pair jim-jams (as above)
Dry mouth spray ( Boots)
Baby wipes
Small size toiletries
Wordsearch Book
NAS Lemon squash
To get:
Ear Plugs ( great advice YG)

For afterwards:
Tiny plastic food boxes ( for storing soup and then tiny sloppy dinners)
Ice cube trays ( as above)
Bio Oil
A size 20 long jacket and a size 18 dress from Oxfam ( okay, okay, this is a tad previous but I was in desperate need of some retail therapy today and saw this gorgeous unworn long jacket for £5.99 and I'm aiming to wear it on Christmas Day !)

To get:
A baratric recipe book. Hopefully one that explains what soups I can have as I'm baffled by the soup thing!

I will also pack a pillow in DH's car the day before I go in as it's about a 40 minutes journey home and I've heard holding a pillow on your wound helps!

I think I need to book a hair appointment a couple of days before I go in as it will be a while till I feel comfortable to lean back and have my hair done and sit for so long.

Writing this has made my tummy start churning again. Reality hitting home lol !!
Oh lordy your lists makes me squirm even more about going into hosptial. Not because I am worried about my op... I am worrried about the other patients killing me for my snoring.:ashamed0005:
Oh lordy your lists makes me squirm even more about going into hosptial. Not because I am worried about my op... I am worrried about the other patients killing me for my snoring.:ashamed0005:

i'm more worried about the farting :479:
Ah but farts can be silent if you do them right :D

Never having been into hospital before, what do we take all this stuff in, in? Small suitcase or my usual 'classy bird' Tesco's carrier bags?
Ha ha you ejits - miss tickle you haven't got pain killers (melt in the mouth ones yummy) or windy tablets - compulsory I think. I'm too nosey for ear plugs lol
I have a fancy case if you don't mind no shopping bags for me this time :)
Lol ! I snore like a stuck pig on acid ( or so I'm told). I'm not much of a farter but when I do the noise reverberates around the room. Think I'd better take the ear plugs for the other patients then
Will I need pain killers in hospital ( thought they supply them)? I don't know of any melt in mouth ones. What are they called?
And what be these 'windy' tablets? I'd better get a job lot in readiness !
I'm intrigued as to (a) who told you you snore like a pig on acid and (b) how do they know what a pig on acid sounds like ? Calpol do a melt on the tongue tablet and there are plenty of wind remedies out there. I believe it can be quite painful in the shoulder region. I don't suffer from wind normally so I'm not looking forward to the pain of that. Can we have a shower in the hospital before we leave? Sorry not "we" - me. "We" will not be having a shower at any time. Hee hee :)
I'm intrigued as to (a) who told you you snore like a pig on acid and (b) how do they know what a pig on acid sounds like ? Calpol do a melt on the tongue tablet and there are plenty of wind remedies out there. I believe it can be quite painful in the shoulder region. I don't suffer from wind normally so I'm not looking forward to the pain of that. Can we have a shower in the hospital before we leave? Sorry not "we" - me. "We" will not be having a shower at any time. Hee hee :)


My kids tell me I snore like a pig on acid and I'm too scared to ask them how they know that!
I'll take some Calpol melting things with me and look into the wind remedies. Failing that get meself registerd with the National Grid and see if they can usefully harness me as an alternative source of wind power. Or natural gas.

I believe 'we' i.e. the newly bypasses population, can have showers before we leave. Mines an open procedure so I don't know how I'll keep the wound dry though. I'm not even sure how they'll cover it as I have severe allergy to all sticking plaster except micropore. Unless they've got water proof micropore I (if there's such a thing) I may be going home stinky,
Think I'd better take the ear plugs for the other patients
either that or we take brandy and lace their nightcaps!

I slept through Sharapova screeching at Wimbledon this arvo, so know I can sleep through anything. I was trying to watch it too!
Hair: I did the same, got my hair done yesterday.. I will wash it again tonight though. I just wanted my colour done and cut a bit shorter for ease.
There wasn't any opportunity for me to have a shower in hospital but the nurses helped me wash the first couple of days and I managed myself at the sink afterwards.

Don't go nuts spending loads of money on new stuff for the hospital. You won't fit those nighties and pj's again after a couple of weeks. You probably won't read any of the books or even watch much tv, which you usually need to pay for.

Oh and if you do buy the patientline tv package and are discharged earlier than you expected, phone the company from your bedside phone and they may refund you. I bought 4 days worth but only used 2 and was refunded a tenner.
Very useful tips YG. I don't think I'll bother with the TV. I umm-ed and ah-ed over what nightwear to get. I'm not a regular wearer of bedwear and the stuff I do have is too old so I got the very cheapest I could off ebay. The nightie is horrible but the dressing gown thing is okay and I should get a bit of wear out of it as it's a wrap round job. I'm hoping I'll be able to take the elastic in on the pyjamas as they are really nice and I'd wear them round the house in the day time.
OMG Mandy-just noticed your big day is TOMORROW!
My stomach churning thing is ridiculous-I've just had to run to the loo because of your op ! lol
All the best for tomorrow
Need to pack mine tonight ready for Tuesday. Have night wear, dressing gown, slippers , meds, word searches, new books, phone charger, undies and dry mouth spray. Lip salve, rennies, infacol, liquid vitamins etc all ready to go. Oh and a note pad to jot down anything I want to ask or am told so I don't forget if the brain a bit befuddled post-op.
Good luck Penelope! I'm having to stop myself packing and I'm not in for 3 weeks yet. I'm SO obsessing over it now !!
Don't forget your pillow!