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size guide?


im intrested to know the clothes size before surgery and then every month or so after that, everyone seems to stick to telling us the weight so i'd like an insight to the dress size loss on average....hope you don't mind sharing!!!!!....hopefully i can add my own to this 1day!!!!!!:p
started size 30/32, 7 weeks today and i'm 24/26.
Started 24/26 14 weeks later 18s!
I'm a slow one... Started 24 (elasticated bottoms) and in a buttoned blouse best part of a size 28 although t-shirts were 24's (massive arms lol)... Now in a size 18 bottoms (not far off a 16) and 16 t-shirt, 20 blouse
Honestly? Don't get hung up on this kind of thing. Just focus on being healthy and staying on track and working with your WLS.

its nice for us pre oppers to know when we can go into a "normal" shop for clothes as a rough estimate of course as everyone is different!
its not about being hung up on it and everyones main goal is to be healthy but its also nice to enjoy the added perks :D
You'll drop sizes for sure and the norm is the most sizes will drop in the first 6 - 8 months. I just get concerned about size watching.

One good tip I was given was shop at charity shops in those months and never pay more than a fiver for a garment! It's probably nearer £6.50 today! ;)
i understand where you are coming from wencho, it's nice to hear how people have moved down the clothes size scale. If you are like me, you know it's not really an important part of our journey but boy is it gonna be fun shopping for all those new clothes and feeling a million dollars x
i can't wait to be able to walk in ANY shop and be able to pick up anything and know it will fit without me having to breathe in etc lol....its def a perk of this whole journey....good luck for your op sarah i see its at the end of the month!
im waiting on a nurse and dietician app so a good while before i get op (if im accepted that is lol)
i can't wait to be able to walk in ANY shop and be able to pick up anything and know it will fit without me having to breathe in etc lol....its def a perk of this whole journey....good luck for your op sarah i see its at the end of the month!
im waiting on a nurse and dietician app so a good while before i get op (if im accepted that is lol)
Thanks hun...don't worry, it feels like only yesterday that i was wishing others good luck for their ops. I waited patiently for news of my op date, and then finally it arrived. Your day will come and all your patience of playing the waiting game will have been so worth it x ;)
Size 28/30 at start of pre-op diet.

Now I'm two weeks post op and a size 26 bottoms and nearly a 24 top.
Size 24/26 bottom, 22 top, at start of pre op.
Now, 1 wk post op, 22 bottom and 20 top.
I am still wearing the same clothes, they just arent as stretched as they were and the skirts and dresses are all a lot longer.
Shoe size hasn't changed yet either.
I know it will all happen at once. I look like I am melting from the head down! Scrawny neck, bony collar bones etc and still big buzzoms and bottom lol.
Lynne x
everyone is doing great.....well done :)...thanks for sharing!!!!!!! hopefully more will join in!!
Pre op I was a 32 for at least 10 years. 6 months later I wear 22-24 mostly.